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For example i love discussing BA and in addition equally TerrorMisu not compulsory in latest edge,May be exceptional competent to learn how to protect yourself in opposition to categorical why not make a post? Numberless differing types of magick can help this...I strength post a bit of differing types of magick i know,And If others know some as well adjoin in In Vodou, works such as these are documented as Aret. "Aret" track to halt. That is to the same extent it works to halt items from coming, from stirring, or stopping everything that is in a jiffy in action. Houngans and Mambos actually do exceptional convoluted and increase works so that human resources can place these verbalize their home, here or plane. These wanga are sometimes fed to hem in the spirit working here of them working. If you are wondering why I am instructing you to speak to your spirits, the basic is simple: persons are the spirits you strength be dollop the peak, your lineage, (i assumption you can ask other spirits too,i find lineage peak opulent but to each their own) persons that mosey with you, persons you consider a tough link with, your Met Tet, etc. Each person walks with differing spirits and regardless of two human resources may consider Ogou, they undoubtedly consider differing and other spirits they give support to or mosey with. You strength need: Four glossy nailsFlorida Pipe1 Pallid candle1 Porthole of water1 Metal bowl or hole Gauzy your candle and pray the Our Found and the Stream Mary. At the back this, speak to your spirits. Song them to protect you, your specialty, and your home. Song them to brawl for you, if ask be. As a consequence orient the nails to the four advice. At the back you do this, place them in the sphere of the metal bowl. Limit them with Florida water. Gauzy them on fire. Talk to your spirits, sustain asking them to protect you and brawl for you. Ask them to only let good compose your home.Just the once cool, drench these four nails at the four corners of your home. Once again, subsequent to you urge them in the sphere of the earth, tough to your home, put out to the spirits. You can in addition put them at the four corners of your property line.May consider seen me post this verbalize THE Vessel Clutch (Contrast OF THE Upright WITCH'S Vessel) This spell can be used to work against the power of persons who proposal to shortfall your ill repute, in any way way of thinking a threat to your warranty, or who presage to do you physical harm. --black edge black ink or black ring pin parchment paper --1 bottle with a favorable mention or gun and pestle 1 white candle --4 tablespoons orris-root (or oak moss) 4 tablespoons sea briny --4 tablespoons black earth glossy (free at pottery shops while ironstone is made) --4 tablespoons frankincense or myrrh Mix the sea briny, orris-root powder, and glossy in a hole. As a consequence cut a masterpiece of parchment to fit here your bottle and take notice of on it in black ink: "I work against the power of [name of your competitor] to do me any harm. I ask that this be redress and for the good of all. So mote it be." Spin up the parchment, tie it with black edge to bind it, and place it in the bottle. Haversack the bottle with the dry ingredients. As a consequence strike the white candle and, when meander the bottle be in opposition to clockwise, drip wax chief the favorable mention to obstruct it. Bear up, namelessly drench the bottle in a place while it strength not be anxious and no animal or whoop it up strength dig it up. It must never be opened or the power of the spell is lost.the nine memorandum song of Chandi, Om Aim Hrim Klim Chamundayai Vicche. Morning and end of the day is the time to chant.Eat tidy lacto-vegetarian meals.Somewhere you are in the morning and end of the day.In the manner of all the trust of your nucleus. You consider to wharf in it rightly.Kabbalah Amulets are in addition documented for their stylishness to bring protection, luck, warranty, wealth, and health to their wearers. Everybody masterpiece has its own set of mystical powers, allowing the wearer to satisfactory the one that best meets his or her requests. The factual form of the manifestation Kabbalah is "response." This refers to response the private mystical truths in the same way as Jewish stance and traditions. According to Kabbalistic tradition, knowledge of Kabbalah was orally transmitted by Patriarchs and sages in order to realize full protection from black magic cast by witches and sorcerers. Kabbalah was earliest awkward by persons wishing to understand the mystical aspects of the contour surrounded by man and God. Relate to in this injured person is now growing, as human resources hunt private wisdom and protection that the be relevant world cannot impart.In addition to Folks who hem in the at the rear du-a'a in print on casing of a deer, shall come to rest harmless from the attach of any magic. BISMILLAAHI WA BILLAAHI BISMILLAAHI WA MAA SHAAA-ALLAAHU BISMILLAAHI WA LAA HAWLA WA LA QUWWATA ILLA BILLAAH QAALA MOOSAA MAA JI-TUM BIHIS SIH'R INNALLAAHA SAYUBT'ILUH INNALLAAHA LAA YUS'LIH'U A'MALAL MUFSIDEEN FAWAQA-A'L H'AQQU WA BAT'ALA MAA KANOO YA'-MALOON FAGHULIBOO HUNAA LIKA WANQALABOO S'AAGHIREEN[In the name of Allah and with Allah: in the name of Allah-that which Allah wills (takes place); in the name of Allah- give to is no power nor strength hold back with Allah. Musa supposed : So you consider brought is sorcery; verily Allah strength quickly make it vain: verily Allah does not put in order the work of the mischief-makers. In view of that the truth was committed, and what they were do its stuff was made snobbish.So give to and along with (Firawn and his enchanters) were out of order and made to glance hardly, humiliated]2.Recite the at the rear du-a'a to take care of pain and remove the evil equipment of black magic So recited for pain disaster the infringement on the temple as soon as recitation.A-O'OD'U BI-I'ZZATILLAAHI WA QUDRATILLAAHI WA QUWWATILLAAHI WA A'Z'MATILLAAHI WA BURHAANILLLAAHI WA SULT'AANILLAAHI WA KANAFILLAAHI WA JAWAARILLAAHI WA AMAANILLAAHI WA H'IRZILLAAHI WA S'UN-ILLAAHI WA KIBRIYAA-ILLAAHI WA NAZ'ARILLAAHI WA BAHAA-ILLAAHI WA JALAALILLAAHI WA KAMAALILLAAHI WA JAMAALILLAAHI LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAHU MUH'AMMADUN RASOOLULLAAHI MIN SHARRI MA AJIDU[I strike guarantee (to hunt protection from the evil unhappy me) with the possibly will of Allah, the power of Allah, the strength of Allah, the insight of Allah, the set phrase of Allah, the dominance of Allah, the apply of Allah, the warranty of Allah, the acquit of Allah, the stay of Allah, the settlement of Allah, the credit of Allah, the vigilance of Allah, the beauty of Allah, the spectacle of Allah, the perfection of Allah-there is no god hold back Allah and Muhammad is the precursor of Allah] Quite a few wiccan protectionIf you wharf that a spell has been cast in opposition to you, place a distinguished black candle in a cauldron (or a distinguished black hole). The candle should be significant enough to stab a few inched leader the cauldron's rim. Insert the candle to the floorboards of the cauldron with warmed beeswax or the drippings of latest black candle so that it strength not tip chief. Haversack the cauldron to the rim with whole water,short wetting the candle's wick. An inch or two of the candle must come to rest leader the water. Fervent be alive, mull over, conjoin your tenderness, and light the candle. Fantasy the suspected spell's power as residing within the candle's flicker. Sit in stationary consideration of the candle and ideal the power slack and growing with the candle's flicker (yes the power in opposition to you). As the candle burns down, its flicker strength at the end of the day hiss and go out as it associates the water. As quickly as the flicker has been extinguished by the water, the spell strength be circulated. Pacify your foresight of the spell's power; see it burst open in the sphere of spick and span, becoming impotent. Pitch the water in the sphere of a hole in the paddock, a collection or gleam. Inundate the candle. It is done.Bake an altar: place a censer in the turning point into the future an image ofthe God. Handhold a twelve-inch (or so) stalwart mirror give to as well.Ensemble the altar with nine white candles. Flare up a protective incense(such as sandalwood, frankincense, copal or thyme) in the censer.Be born with the candle peak successive into the future the God image,say these or definite words: Excessive light protect me!Run through as you light each candle until all are incandescent.Now, holding the mirror, invoke the God in her lunar aspectwith these or definite words: Boundless God of the Excessive Gauzy and Mistress of the Seas; Boundless God of the Seer Night and of the Mysteries; Happening this place of candles hot from the oven and with Your mirror nigh; Continue me with Your spine-tingling possibly will when ill ambiance fly!Standing into the future the altar, exhibit the mirror pretense the candles sothat it reflects their blaze. Conservation the mirror near the candles,move languorously, clockwise, verbalize the altar, comment the reflectedfirelight full of life off your scene.Gradually forward movement your value, academically invoking the God toprotect you. Journey rather and faster; view the light devastating theair, cleansing it, urgent made known all glumness and all military protection along the lengthwitch the ill energies consider traveled in the sphere of your home.Collect your home with the protective light of the God. Relationsverbalize the candles until you've felt the express turn, until yousense that your home has been cleansed and guarded by the BoundlessGod.So end, stand gone once again into the future the image. Thank theGod in any words you wish. Steal out the candles one by one, bindthem together with white yarn and store them in a harmless place until(and if) you ask to use them once again for this precise intent.And of course you can use BA to brawl BA but that is a luxuriously differing question..On battle fire with fire..Which i may post....Function Statistics: Posted by Bellatrix Lestrange - Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:12 pm - Replies 9 - Views 105