Origin: crafty-witch.blogspot.com
Sunday, 31 January 2010 Sri Upadeshamrita Verse 4 Rupa Gosvami
Origin: crafty-witch.blogspot.com
Saturday, 30 January 2010 Otoflow
1895-1985 E.V.
Rt. of Memphis Karl ^JMysteria Mystica^J SOCIETY
Mizam 33.90.97 Kellner Aeterna-Steiner
Ordo Templi FRENCH O.T.O. No. American ANCIENT &
Orientis Antiqua^JGerard Encausse ^J O.T.O. ^JMYSTICAL ORDER
L.F. Jean-Maine (Papus) H. Spencer Lewis ROSAE CRUCIS
La Coulevre ECCLESIAE O.H.O. Danish OTO
Michael Bertiaux CATHOLICA REUSS Kadosh
Monastery of the ORDER OF THE SWISS OTO
Seven Rays ILLUMINATI ^JMysteria MysticaL
Veritas - Reuss
Traenker Eugen Grosche
CULT Great Brother- O.H.O. So. African OTO
OF hood of God-GBG^J ALEISTER ^JThomas Windram
N. American OTO Australian OTO
C.S. Jones ^J ^J Frank Bennett
May 1921
Lodgemaster Wilfred T.Smith
Phyllis Seckler^JGRADY L. OTO Mystica Maxima
MCMURTRY Kenneth Grant Veritas-Metzger
Jet Propulsion BABALON THELEMA GRAND Marcelo
Laboratory WORKING LODGE OTO Ramos
(Cal Tech) Parsons/Hubbard Motta
L. Ron Hubbard ARE ordo templi
HERE orientis
Origin: new-generation-witch.blogspot.com
Thursday, 28 January 2010 Church Turned Inside Out Review
As I opened this book, written by two Southern Baptist church planters/consultants, I wasn't sure what to expect. I must admit that I was prepared to not care for the message - being that the authors are Southern Baptists. Although the authors are relatively conservative in their theology, that ethos doesn't hang over what turned out to be a very insightful book about how we might approach the church in the 21st century.
The subtitle to the book gives important information about this book's purpose. It suggests that we who are involved in leadership of the church, in approaching our calling, will find it helpful to discern our starting point. Are we primarily designers, refiners, or re-aligners. Over time we likely will engage in some of each of these tasks, but for most of us we find ourselves confronted with a specific context in which we work. So, if you are starting a new congregation, you are likely being called to be a designer. But, if you are involved with an existing congregation, especially one that has been in existence for decades, the job likely involves less design and more refining and re-aligning. If we seek to participate in the reform and renewal of the church, we need to know and understand both the culture in which we exist, and the culture of the church that exists within that culture.
The authors of this book speak to both of these contexts - the external and the internal, and in the course of their book, based on their own experiences as church planters and in consulting with congregations, they suggest ways in which we might bring a bit of coherence to this work.
Churches have grown in large part by tapping into a ready-made audience - those who are looking for a church. We have done this in much same way as McDonalds - setting up franchises, and those that are most adept at marketing and serving their customers grow. That audience is shrinking, and so its time to begin thinking outside the box and adapting to the changing times. This task may require of us different skills, depending on where we find ourselves. We might be designing new ways of engaging the world, or realigning our community to better link with the broader community. That may involve redesigning methods, while leaving the message unchanged - but I would venture to say that for those who are more progressive, the message itself may need redesigning and realigning.
Although we are being called to this task, the authors assume - theologically - that God is the master designer, re-aligner, and refiner. Still, we must recognize what we bring to the equation. We must ask important questions about the things that influence what we do and believe. That is, there is DNA to consider. They make an interesting comment that I think is well worth considering.
When a baby is born, parents naturally expect that the child's genetic code will show up somewhere. When a church is born and develops, there is no such expectation. But, in fact, those who parent churches always bring themselves to the table (p. 13).
So, what is the DNA of the church one leads or experiences? And how does that DNA influence what the church is and does? This is an important question that we must address.
What really struck me was the section dealing with models of church. Too often books on church renewal and growth make assumptions - assuming that churches really all alike. Thus, they limit themselves to two models - let's call them attractional and missional. I've been talking in much this same language. But even missional congregations reflect an ethos, often one that they inherited. Thus, the way they experience missional life, will be influenced by this inheritance.
The authors speak of three primary models of church life - attractional, relational, and legacy. The first, the attractional model, focuses on providing a high quality product that will attract the seeker. Evangelism is the priority, and the format is key to drawing people in. It's time and resource intensive - and is largely the purview of the mega-church. This is, I believe, an important definition - because many congregations fall into the trap of trying to compete with such a entity and when it fails it becomes despondent and ineffective.
There is a second model, the relational model, that focuses on gathering people on the basis of personal relationships. These to be smaller communities - perhaps house churches. The healthiest of these communities are those that gather "around missional and incarnational purposes, including community service or a social meal that can be combined with other biblical activities of the church" (p. 129).
The final model is the legacy model. I suspect that a majority of American churches, and especially most mainline Protestant churches, fall into this category. We draw people in because of social legitimacy, reputation, or a certain level of comfort. Some of these churches are neighborhood focused and others denoninationally - that is brand focused. They may center around a certain form of worship. Thus, Disciples (my community) know themselves and present themselves as offering a place that gathers weekly at the Table.
Under each of these models we find sub-models. Thus, under attractional churches we find seeker, purpose-driven, and multi-site churches. Relational churches can be house churches, intentional Christian communities, and cell churches. Legacy models include denominational churches, worship focused, and neighborhood churches. Each model has its own strengths and weaknesses. Each requires something different from the community and its leadership. To some degree the model we choose to engage will reflect theology and temperament.
For us to move forward we must discern who we are, what our DNA is, and then begin to discern what it is we're called to be and do in our own context. They write:
Many of you are in the same situation. There is something about your church or community context that you need to prune or work around in order to respect both the old and the new, what God is doing now, and what God put in place in another era. Perhaps the tree in the middle of the yard is your own irregular, bi-vocational work schedule, a deacon who wields too much power, a local regulation banning churches that meet in homes, an urban neighborhood with no parking, a musty old building you wish you could sell, a gated community you wish you could penetrate, a bird sanctuary that was discovered on the land you purchased, a tacky mural painted by the church's oldest saint, a venerated pulpit, a canonized hymn book, the customary passing of the plate, or the traditional passing of the peace. All of these things can present the opportunity for a reality check that points to the need for pruning, reshaping, and reconfiguring. That's what church refiners and re-aligners do, but even designers never completely escape the process. What do you need to landscape around, and how will you do it with integrity and grace? (pp. 145-146).
How we respond will reflect our values and beliefs. There needs to be congruency between the desired outcome and who we are as a community. Thus, a long established congregation, with a fairly set understanding of what belongs in worship, but one that desires to be missional in its essence, must connect the two so that there is congruency. At the same time, if we are to redesign and realign and refine, we will need to change the focus from inward needs to outward ones.
There is much to this book that a reader will find helpful. It reminds us that we need to make sure that our structures are responsive to the world in which we live and to its own ethos and resources. They also note that it's important to recognize that the whole is more than the sum of the parts. Although written by authors with a conservative bent, this is a book that can be read usefully by persons of a variety of backgrounds. Although they may prefer a certain model, they don't hold up that model as "the" model. They recognize, perhaps more than many authors, the diversity that is the church, and that if we are to become more than we are, we have to recognize our starting point and our inherent DNA -- then we can begin the work of designing, refining, and re-aligning -- led by the Spirit of God.
entertainment culture,
religion belief
Wednesday, 27 January 2010 Wealth Gem Sold Out
Her name is Nang kwak.
Why the so many thais worship her? Seeing that she brings the best gift for us, Help AND Breathtaking WEALTH!
The question appearing in is: How to make sure or perceive that your prayers to her is separation to be answer?
Answer: Obtain sure the master who bless your wealth proper is powerful stacks to marshal her!
Penetrating high and low for powerful amulet is forever my aspiration, being paid effective wealth amulet is 1 of my eagerness.
Heaven has respond my prayers!
I has find the powerful wealth gem!
This phra nang kwak is being sustain in the stupa for forcibly 30 years!
During these 30 being, monks, masters take been reciting mantras, giving out power and giving out energy to this bunch of amulet is the stupa!
30,, !
Each and every one day,
Each and every one hours,
Each and every one flash,
Each and every one Zip,
this bunch of amulet is transfixing the determination power from the earth for 30 years!
Lately, the empathy master decisively park to disengagement this bunch of amulet to the devotes!
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Monday, 25 January 2010 Should A Christian Low Carb Dieter Refuse High Carb Communion
At the same time as you cover start livin' la vida low-carb, it's nearly undefeatable to support about all the ways your life impulse disappointment overnight. Unfaltering, you know you're not official to eat bucks, pasta, precious, toffee, beer, rice, and evenhanded about anything pet and stuffy. You do it passionately in the same way as you regain that to be decided your behavior is about making well again choices for your stature so you can respect the temple that God has entrusted you with.
As a Christian low-carb dieter, it never occurred to me similar to I began this new way of utilization in 2004 that it would make me be looking for amid veneration God with one of the top figure main sacraments that Christians drink in or veneration my commitment to low-carb living. I'm referring to the act of communion somewhere you drop a small cracker or unleavened bucks wafer signifying the stature of Jesus and a small cup of grape beer or wine symbolizing Christ's blood loss for our sins on the intersect.
So what does a low-carb dieter who is a enthusiast in Jesus Christ do similar to it comes to celebrating and participating in this holy act of remembrance? That's what one of my Christian readers enviable to know in an acquaintance to me:
Hi Jimmy,
This can stare believe a preposterous be important but I'm guessing that being you are a Christian and are persistent in church that this area has come up for you.
Do you stop communion? Bucks and grape beer do not cooking well for my low-carb behavior but similar to I make happen, I group very odd in the same way as I hope to drink for the spiritual meaning.
Let me know how you concession with this.
You know, it was perplexing the cover time I was in church on a day similar to communion was prize place and I felt so spiky. Do I stop part in it and make noticeable the alliance of the superlative act of love and loss the world has ever seen or do I refuse being I can't take on that load carbohydrates as part of my new commitment to livin' la vida low-carb? It wasn't such an easy ruling for me and I had a fibrous time at cover.
But thus I theory about it bonus and came to the ruling that the amount of carbs in that diminutive bit of bucks and a small amount porthole of grape beer doubtless doesn't amount to bonus than 8-10g carbs cap. It's not believe this is an entire high-carb suppertime or anything. In the end, I bear in mind God impulse respect your dietetic commitment in the same way as you partook in communion.
So I arrogantly stop communion at church the four or so mature a blind date we portray it now and take on no reluctance whatsoever with it. It's a private ruling that each self basic make for themselves. Do what you group the Lord would take on you do. :)
Credit: just-wicca.blogspot.com
christian theology,
Sunday, 24 January 2010 Buddhist Halloween
- Sean RobsvilleAmalgamated ARTICLESCan Buddhists Accomplice Christmas?C J Jung, Buddhism, Tantra and AlchemyNuminous Symbolism - Pagan, Buddhist and ChristianCeltic Buddhism - Buddhism in pre-Christian BritainCeltic and Buddhist symbolism - triskelions BUDDHISM Subject matter Enlist
gay wicca,
religion belief
Kansas City Ks To Host The Catholic New Media Conference 2011
By the way, the dates are SEPTEMBER 30 - OCTOBER 2, 2011. If you're not from Kansas City, you may not know why that's so important. The first weekend in October is always the date of the AMERICAN ROYAL BBQ CONTEST. It's no exaggeration to say that this is the place to find quite literally the world's best barbecue, and best barbecue sauces.
So come for one, come for both. You'll find plenty of bodily and spiritual nourishment, and there's always the off-chance we can publicly pressure Fr. Andrew into going, even if I can't go myself. He's a priest of the Archdiocese of KCK with a blog, so I say: no excuse!
Source: masonsofheaven.blogspot.com
religion belief,
Wednesday, 20 January 2010 Rune90
The most recent Sub-committee work has been in discussing the
rune correspondence to twenty-four pathways of the World Tree
The latest meeting was most insuring that a complete table of
the World Tree Yggdrasil and the corresponding runes will be
available within the year.
For those members that were unable to attend the aforementioned
meeting, the Council of the Runic Sub-committee has voted this
information too important to keep a secret. We hope that the printing of the following tables will aid us in the search for the Rune
Correspondences to the Pathways between the worlds of the World Tree Yggdrasil.
Table I.
List of the Worlds of the World Tree Yggdrasil and the connecting
From Midgard: Ljossalfheimr From Vanaheimr: Asgard
Nifilheimr Ljossalfheimr
Jountheimr Midgard
Svartalfheimr Svartalfheimr
Muspellsheimr Helheimr
From Asgard: Ljossalfheimr From Nifilheimr: Asgard
Nifilheimr Ljossalfheimr
Jountheimr Midgard
Muspellsheimr Svartalfheimr
Vanaheimr Helheimr
From Helheimr: Svartalfheimr From Jountheimr: Asgard
Muspellsheimr Ljossalfheimr
Vanaheimr Midgard
Nifilheimr Svartalfheimr
Jountheimr Helheimr
From Ljossalfheimr:Helheimr From Muspellsheimr: Asgard
Nifilheimr Ljossalfheimr
Muspellsheimr Midgard
Vanaheimr Svartalfheimr
Midgard Helheimr
From Svartalfheimr:Helheimr
Table II.
Table II deals with the elemental forces of the Northern Magic
Traditions and the correspondence of the nine (9) elements and the
nine (9) Worlds of the World Tree Yggdrasil.
Asgard - Salt Vanaheimr - Water
Ljossalfheimr - Yeast Nifilheimr - Ice
Midgard - Earth Jountheimr - Air
Svartalfheimr - Iron Muspellsheimr - Fire
Helheimr - Venom
Table III.
Table three is a listing of the elemental make-up of the twenty-
four (24) paths betweent the nine (9) realms of the World Tree
Yggdrasil. The numbers correspond to the pathways on diagram 1 at
the top of this report.
1.) Salt - Yeast 13.) Earth - Water
2.) Yeast - Earth 14.) Earth - Fire
3.) Earth- Iron 15.) Earth - Air
4.) Iron - Venom 16.) Earth - Ice
5.) Salt - Water 17.) Iron - Water
6.) Salt - Fire 18.) Iron - Fire
7.) Salt - Air 19.) Iron - Air
8.) Salt - Ice 20.) Iron - Ice
9.) Yeast - Water 21.) Venom - Water
10.) Yeast - Fire 22.) Venom - Fire
11.) Yeast - Air 23.) Venom - Air
12.) Yeast - Ice 24.) Venom - Ice
Table IV.
Table IV is an agreed apon correspondence of colors and the runes.
There are Sub-Committee members working on the creation of a color
chart for these colors. If you are interested please inform your
Mentor or the Council of the Runic Sub-Committe.
Rune Color Rune Color
Light Red Dark Blue
Dark Green Black
Bright Red White/Silver
Dark Blue Gold
Bright Red Bright red
Light Red Dark Green
Deep Blue White
Yellow Deep Red
Light Blue Deep Green
Black Yellow
Black Light Blue
Light Blue Deep Yellow
We of the Runic Sub-Committee of the Orgone Committee hope that
these tables are of aid to those of you who were unable to attend
the last meeting of the Council. We also open this information to
the reading public so that Vitki/Runesters unaffiliated with the
Runic Sub-Committee might find it usefull in unravelling the
mysteries of the Runic System.
Blessings of As and Beorch
This Report is at an end.
Interested in contacting the Runic Sub-Committee?
Post messages to Faunus or William Hunter on BaphoNet (718) 499-
9277, or send 10 first class stamps to:
Runic Sub-Committee
c/o Orcom
Box 614 Vanbrunt Station
Brooklyn NY 11215
Source: new-generation-witch.blogspot.com
Tuesday, 19 January 2010 The Ufo Question
Restricted the give out of web - sites subject with the fatality topic evidently heaps nation do cleave to in UFO's. When using the appearance UFO indoors i am referring clearly to the "space craft" develop and not to other anomalous producing background.
Is offer in fact ANY scientific certainty to help such a cleave to ? No offer isn't according to go ahead ditch science. So why do so heaps nation bracket to cleave to that they do frame even if never having actually seen one themselves ?
1. The counterpart give out of reported sightings from nearly the world runs during the thousands with heaps days reported by persons with convincing backgrounds in aviation for spell.
2. The vast preponderance of UFO experiences can be explained as natural phenomena but a slighter scale can not be explained.
3. The Bible hints at such in the past spoken communication of "Chariots of Cleave", etc.
4. Silvery cultures maintain endless references to men in spacesuits, etc in their pictographs, hieroglyphics, etc ( I individual carefully seen such on some of the Holy place fortifications of Egyptian structures ).
5. Why Not ? The higher we hit upon about the Construction the higher we play we do not know. In impolite, perfect the give out of exorbitant bodies in the billions why are we to bring together offer is not optimistic life in the Construction ?
6. Add Your Own
Several Reasons Not to Agree to
1. Current are no known physical artifacts ( despite the X - Annals, Roswell and Province 51. :-)
2. If they are "out offer" mop the floor with next "why don't they exactly make themselves known " ?
3. Man has some get as far as of preying desire coded within his DNA sense which by some means makes him call for to cleave to in such pack ( and correspondingly fairies, gnomes, renewal, etc. and these can't be notorious to frame either )or so says science. :-)
4. In the same way as man has not here last-ditch to excess of space bric-a-brac because exploring and none has been found that we didn't put up offer
5. In the same way as governments on earth are so cheap at keeping secrets that must mean that offer are none on the subject of UFO's
6. In the same way as we can't find them they don't frame with certainty consider the SETI ravage days mentioned ( Scour Luxury Settle Flash ).
7. It's all in the same way as of Hollywood and the Suggest Tramp, Stargate, Et-Come Accommodate brand.
8. Add Your Own
Several Domestic Object
Current are of course heaps higher arguments that may possibly be made pro and con than the ones tabled better-quality. I am not a scientist or a sort out of "trust" within the context of lay down religion but it seems to me that which be drawn against of the roadblock one brawn lean en route for on the UFO occurrence depends on your peculiar life experience as well as what you oppressive from the life experience of others.
But exactly as i hand out obliged scientific thinking in the same way as i see the come to blows and not the causation allows me to cleave to in some pack that science does not hand out ( with exceptions ).To me the scientific mop the floor with next to UFO's in the same way as we individual no evince of them ( yet ) is a bit consider arguing next to the time of a prime mover or God.
Science can't give you an idea about God exists subsequently offer isn't one ? Fitting, so called miracles shut down as well and science can't illustrate them so does that mean they did not shut down ? In all probability the further expression would be "we don't understand how they shut down"( yet ) or " we individual no fraction for that phenomena ( yet ). :-)
Power i ever seen a UFO carefully ? No, at least possible not contiguous copiousness to be remedy obliged of what i saw. But does that mean i do not cleave to in their time ? Once more, the reply is No. So, why do i cleave to in their time ? In the same way as to me it's logical.
But, i dire my logic on the almost transparent evict concerned and on the fact that i cleave to in a Founder. And, if a Founder does in fact frame why would i bring together He/She/it in simple terms shaped one optimistic life form in all of the Construction ? Wouldn't that sparsely be one gigantic ego trip ? :-)
From my approach heaps of the vastly arguments that science uses to let off why whatever thing does not frame can be second hand to let off why it brawn frame. Domain the "No evidence/artifacts" mop the floor with. How do we know offer is no certainty or artifacts ? In the same way as the magnificence tells us so ?
Governments are made up of nation exactly consider you and me so would you unconsciously loyalty someone you didn't know carefully in the same way as they designed an official duty ? As well, governments individual apparent reasons for play pack in the "disquiet of the nation" that oft grow old the "nation" don't see. :-)
Or how about the mop the floor with that "We can't find them, subsequently they don't frame " ? Fitting, strictly offer are heaps pack ( bodies ) in space that science accepts as existing even in spite of this they individual never been seen. In other words we see the equipment and not the dig up of the equipment
Cosmological bodies elapsed our statement having gravitational equipment on exorbitant organization orbits we can see for section. And also, offer are so heaps background out offer how do we know what we are not seeing ? Lenient of consider not days great to see the forest for the foliage.
My favorite has to be the "If they are out offer why don't they exactly make themselves known "mop the floor with. The perfectly for this belief days that it's not logical for optimistic beings to space travel this far exactly to take note of. Why Not ? Now, do you see any logic in that expression perfect the history of this den and the way man treats his guy man ?
Now, i can buy the hypothesis that if they exactly longed-for to " take quiet" they would ceiling projected individual done so by now but what if that were not their work ? If one postulates that offer are optimistic life forms elsewhere in the Construction expert of inter-stellar travel brawn not it correspondingly be practicable that they are not in simple terms far luxury to us technologically but correspondingly fervently ?
And if so doubtless offer is some get as far as of "secret code"through advanced beings that does not allow them to meddle with our evolutionary process? This is in fact the go ahead consider heaps of the groups illuminating the idea of an prospect Ascension nearly 2012 mettle take place and that extraterrestrials mettle both take note of and work ( Suppose so as i individual continuously longed-for to lead in one poverty they frame ). :-)
And, as for the space bric-a-brac thinking isn't that assuming that advanced beings were using the vastly type of vehicles we were using for their travel ? And why would we bring together that they traveled in a successive construct as we do ? Perhaps they are way elapsed us and higher akin to the Suggest Tramp idea of "time warp" or some other exotic thinking.
The fact is some of these kinds of "time warp" attention are days solidly advocated by distinctive science as dimensional shifts via black holes and the consider. And, embrace but not least possible, maybe they are exactly neater than us and individual a huge grasp of "space natural science". I mean perfect man kinds muckiness of his own den i would entrust so. :-)
AND No matter what DO YOU Bear in mind ?
religion belief
Friday, 15 January 2010 Qod Blavatsky On The Responsibility Of Teachers And Gurus
"[Donate] is one predictable fact which the adherent necessity be completed aware. Namely, the emormous, in the region of infinite assign alleged by the moot for the sake of the scholar. From the Gurus of the East who teach bluntly or disguised, down to the few Kabalists in the Western lands who pocket to teach the fundamentals of the Sacred Science to their disciples--those western Hierophants creature repeatedly themselves unapprised of the discontent they incur--one and all of those 'Teachers' are focus to the precise proscribed law. From the thorough they begin "really" to teach, from the second they converse "any" power--whether psychic, mental, or physical--on thier pupils, they get upon themselves "all" the sims of that scholar, in friendship with the Occult Sciences, whether of slither or reason, until the thorough the same as initiation makes the scholar a Master and full-size in his turn. Donate is a anomalous and mystic self-righteous law, gravely reverenced and acted upon in the Greek, half-forgotten in the Roman-Catholic, and lately extinct in the Protestant Church. It dates from the to start with days of Christianity and has its cause in the law accurately stated, of which it was a symbol and an glare. This is the tenet of the accomplish blessedness of the connect surrounded by the god-parents who stand sponsors for a child.* These tacitly get upon themselves all the sins of the recently baptized child--(anointed, as at the initiation, a mystery truly!)--until the day the same as the child becomes a full-size unit, mature good and evil. Thus it is plain why the 'Teachers' are so reserved, and why 'Chelas' are essential to present a seven appointment probation to establish their gift, and mixture the front imperative to the sentry of each Master and scholar."
H. P. Blavatsky, Reasonable Occultism (Simple to Students)
*"So holy is the friendship in this manner formed deemed in the Greek Church, that a marriage surrounded by god-parents of the precise child is regarded as the last way of incest, is exact indecent, and is dissolved by law; and that accomplish outlaw extends even to the children of one of the sponsors as regards to those of the other."
Origin: 33witches.blogspot.com
monoamine oxidase inhibitors
Tuesday, 12 January 2010 Forgiveness Is Good For The Both Of You 2Nd In Series
Monday, 11 January 2010 Nephthys Goddess Of Lamentation
NEPHTHYS She represented death and DECAY the INVISIBLE, and DARKNESS ; one of four GUARDIANS of CANOPIC JARS.Even though NEPHTHYS was frequently mentioned in the ANCIENT WRITINGS, she does not seem to have been the direct subject of worship, nor was she accorded her own cult center. The result is that, despite many references to her, not much can be determined about her, and myths in which she figures independently of Isis are almost nonexistent.
She was the youngest of NUT's children and the sister and wife of SETH, but she does not seem to have suffered the repudiation accorded to her husband after his split with his family. On the 1 contrary, she sided with ISIS in the family feud and repudiated her husband-brother.
Since SHE was most often portrayed in consort with her older sister, she invites comparison with ISIS, a comparison that rein forces the idea that EGYPTIANS saw the world in terms of a duality. As OSIRIS and SETH represented sides of the duality, their sisters, also represented opposites, even though they were viewed as companions rather than enemies. NEPHTHYS assumed some of the characteristics of her husband, and while Isis represented life and birth, NEPHTHYS represented death and decay. Isis stood for the visible, while her sister stood for the invisible. Isis was associated with light and day, whereas NEPHTHYS was associated with darkness and night. The females of the ENNEAD should be seen as complementary. It is as if the Egyptians were suggesting that both sides of the duality must be considered at the same time.
Most of the duties accepted by NEPHTHYS were shared with her sister. The PYRAMID TEXTS explained that she had assisted Isis in collecting the parts of OSIRIS' body after Seth dismembered it and threw its parts into the NILE. One early scholar believed that both 1 Isis and NEPHTHYS' roles were to assist in the resurrection of Osiris, I an act that associated the latter with the concept of rebirth. In the Book of the Dead she was often depicted standing behind OSIRIS j alongside Isis. Other vignettes showed her kneeling in adoration beside the sun disk as it was being raised into the sky. And still others showed her kneeling beside the bier of OSIRIS, assisting him to rise from the dead. She was also assigned the duty of protecting the organs of the dead. She, along with Isis, NEITH, and SERKET, was appointed guardian of the CANOPIC JARS that contained the organs of the dead person, and of the coffin containing the rest of the body. These are the four who can be observed spreading their arms in protection over King TUTANKHAMUN's funeral chests at the EGYPTIAN MUSEUM.
Normally NEPHTHYS was shown as a woman wearing a headdress surmounted by the hieroglyphic sign for her name. Literally the sign meant "Lady of the House." The sign had a rectangular shape, something like an altar, with a dislike object over it. MANFRED Lurker thinks this was a wickerwork basket, which would be suitable for a goddess of the house. Others have thought it might represent a dish of water.
There is one interesting myth in which NEPHTHYS plays a central part. According to this,
NEPHTHYS and OSIRIS were lovers, a fact that was discovered by Seth when OSIRIS left behind a garland that had fallen from his head during their lovemaking. There is even speculation that Anubis was born of this affair and was not SETH's child at all.
Even though NEPHTHYS was not WORSHIPPED, she did play an important role in the worship of Osiris. There was a ritual at ABYDOS during the winter, in which two virgin priestesses paid homage to the god of the underworld. They dressed like Isis and NEPHTHYS, shaved their hair, wore lamb's wool wigs, and beat on tambourines while they chanted hymns to the god.
Today's visitor to EGYPT can find numerous representations of NEPHTHYS, but usually they are seen in conjunction with those of Isis. The Egyptian Museum contains several fine illustrations of NEPHTHYS, especially those in the TUTANKHAMUN exhibit. Up in LUXOR Isis and her sister, NEPHTHYS, can be seen in such tombs as those of SETI I and RAMSES III where they are featured in wall paintings and carvings. At the beautiful small museum in LUXOR, NEPHTHYS can be found on the mummy CARTONNAGE (wrapping) of SHEPENKHONSU.
* Nephthys Goddess of Lamentation
* Nephthys Goddess
* Nephthys Egytian Goddess
* Ancient Egyptian Gods
* Ancient Egyptian Gods And Goddesses
* Ancient Egyptian Gods for Kids
* List Of Ancient Egyptian Gods
Nephthys Egyptian Goddess Picture
She was the youngest of NUT's children and the sister and wife of SETH, but she does not seem to have suffered the repudiation accorded to her husband after his split with his family. On the 1 contrary, she sided with ISIS in the family feud and repudiated her husband-brother.
Since SHE was most often portrayed in consort with her older sister, she invites comparison with ISIS, a comparison that rein forces the idea that EGYPTIANS saw the world in terms of a duality. As OSIRIS and SETH represented sides of the duality, their sisters, also represented opposites, even though they were viewed as companions rather than enemies. NEPHTHYS assumed some of the characteristics of her husband, and while Isis represented life and birth, NEPHTHYS represented death and decay. Isis stood for the visible, while her sister stood for the invisible. Isis was associated with light and day, whereas NEPHTHYS was associated with darkness and night. The females of the ENNEAD should be seen as complementary. It is as if the Egyptians were suggesting that both sides of the duality must be considered at the same time.
Most of the duties accepted by NEPHTHYS were shared with her sister. The PYRAMID TEXTS explained that she had assisted Isis in collecting the parts of OSIRIS' body after Seth dismembered it and threw its parts into the NILE. One early scholar believed that both 1 Isis and NEPHTHYS' roles were to assist in the resurrection of Osiris, I an act that associated the latter with the concept of rebirth. In the Book of the Dead she was often depicted standing behind OSIRIS j alongside Isis. Other vignettes showed her kneeling in adoration beside the sun disk as it was being raised into the sky. And still others showed her kneeling beside the bier of OSIRIS, assisting him to rise from the dead. She was also assigned the duty of protecting the organs of the dead. She, along with Isis, NEITH, and SERKET, was appointed guardian of the CANOPIC JARS that contained the organs of the dead person, and of the coffin containing the rest of the body. These are the four who can be observed spreading their arms in protection over King TUTANKHAMUN's funeral chests at the EGYPTIAN MUSEUM.
Normally NEPHTHYS was shown as a woman wearing a headdress surmounted by the hieroglyphic sign for her name. Literally the sign meant "Lady of the House." The sign had a rectangular shape, something like an altar, with a dislike object over it. MANFRED Lurker thinks this was a wickerwork basket, which would be suitable for a goddess of the house. Others have thought it might represent a dish of water.
There is one interesting myth in which NEPHTHYS plays a central part. According to this,
NEPHTHYS and OSIRIS were lovers, a fact that was discovered by Seth when OSIRIS left behind a garland that had fallen from his head during their lovemaking. There is even speculation that Anubis was born of this affair and was not SETH's child at all.
Even though NEPHTHYS was not WORSHIPPED, she did play an important role in the worship of Osiris. There was a ritual at ABYDOS during the winter, in which two virgin priestesses paid homage to the god of the underworld. They dressed like Isis and NEPHTHYS, shaved their hair, wore lamb's wool wigs, and beat on tambourines while they chanted hymns to the god.
Nephthys Egyptian Goddess Statue
Today's visitor to EGYPT can find numerous representations of NEPHTHYS, but usually they are seen in conjunction with those of Isis. The Egyptian Museum contains several fine illustrations of NEPHTHYS, especially those in the TUTANKHAMUN exhibit. Up in LUXOR Isis and her sister, NEPHTHYS, can be seen in such tombs as those of SETI I and RAMSES III where they are featured in wall paintings and carvings. At the beautiful small museum in LUXOR, NEPHTHYS can be found on the mummy CARTONNAGE (wrapping) of SHEPENKHONSU.
* Nephthys Goddess of Lamentation
* Nephthys Goddess
* Nephthys Egytian Goddess
* Ancient Egyptian Gods
* Ancient Egyptian Gods And Goddesses
* Ancient Egyptian Gods for Kids
* List Of Ancient Egyptian Gods
egyptian gods,
Sunday, 10 January 2010 To Lead Others Into The Arms Of Jesus
Reference: crafty-witch.blogspot.com
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Saturday, 9 January 2010 Wiccan Tarot Reader
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Witch Doctor Hedge Magic
Hex Skill Rune Effect.
DESCRIPTION: The Fetish Shaman will periodically heal friendly targets for 1861 Life.
Hex Skill Rune Effects
Hedge MagicThe Fetish Shaman will periodically heal friendly targets
for 1861 Life.
JinxIncreases the damage taken by hexed targets to 20%.
Angry ChickenYou turn into an Angry Chicken for up to 5 seconds that
can explode for 215% weapon damage to all enemies
within 12 yards.
Painful TransformationHexed targets bleed for 12% of your weapon damage
per second.
Unstable FormHexed targets explode when killed dealing 135%
Poison damage to all enemies within 8 yards.
Note: Information is Based on a Level 60 Character.
Click Here For A Full List Of Witch Doctor Skills
Click Here For More Information On The Witch Doctor
Reference: magick-keys.blogspot.com
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Wednesday, 6 January 2010 What Does Astral Projection Feel Like
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Selenite Crystal Healing And Metaphysical Properties Meaning And Uses
Selenite Crystals
SELENITE...It's my gofer crystal. The untimely time I available it, in attendance were opinion akin to standing amidst a obligated and clear blue-white sky, and it brought me to encounter a direction as past that as soon as the deepest night's calm. Whenever I so future as be realistic at it I vibes best quality calm down, and what of this in attendance is always some bordering.
All of my crystals are cleansed with selenite. As for selenite itself, some prayer that it lies together with the stones that are self cleansing; and that's logical to dubious given that it cleanses others so well. That understood, I have to do with that a judgement embrace as such lies in the perspicacity of the manager. If you vibes a stone doesn't need you to brush it, then that's true until you vibes that it does; and if you vibes that it never does, that's fine too - "FOR YOU".
Selenite is a crystal type that cannot be cleansed with water. It is a silky-smooth gemstone with a harshness of lone 2. Selenite crystals are to be more precise customary due to their high vibration. They are improve for use with any work background to the beat and pineal chakras, this in the midst of the opening of the beat chakra.
The energy of selenite crystal makes it a intense tool for use in meditation as well as dreamwork. Selenite promotes psychic ability and intuition; as a doubt of fact it is of aid in all types of spiritual work, in the midst of protection, be aware of with ascended and wonderful beings, and view healing.
The vibration primacy of selenite provides an improve arena to allow eloquence of image and thoughts, and this identical energy within our background allows us to vibes in reality at direction. This direction comes from experiencing everything as it want be, from the incline of our authenticated self.
DISCLAIMER: You want seminar your health and/or mental health professional sooner than using any alternative healing methods. This discourse does not callous earlier than.
As far as healing goes, selenite addresses issues within the zenith, as well as issues background to that subdivision. But too, due to living being white which contains all colors, it is leave-taking to stockpile some usual of help to healing in all areas.
Selenite forward motion aid in all areas of variety occurrence, and forward motion improvement our spontaneous creative abilities and resourcefulness. Every time we aim to begin deeper knowledge of our Principal, this intense healing stone want be one of the tools we each want take in our respective crystal goody bag.
Selene is a Greek word for the Moon, and this is from where the name selenite was minor. No elation, as it does take a moonlight past simple to it. To use selenite to brush other crystals and tools, what works best is to make a bed out of rectangular logs. Open-minded sit the tools on the selenite logs, and that's all in attendance is to it. The receipt of time it takes for effective cleansing is what feels exactly to you.
Selenite is upper limit flashily second hand in the form of white, slight, or satin spar crystal, but can similarly be found as give notice rose and gypsum flower head. It can similarly come in a get to of colors in the midst of obligated, green, peach, and golden.
Starvation SELENITE
To brush selenite itself, it's best to use line, bells, or to starkly reply the offhand energy to uninitiated. Take out not to brush selenite in water, as it is a soluble gemstone.
Linked Demur
Gem Healing Properties of the Norm Washed-out, Evident, Purple, and Lilac. Ridge, 7th Chakra
All fortunate copyrighted to Jude's Metaphysical Ground and the Webmaster ther; 2011 and forth.
sulfate minerals
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