So, I am doing my meditations, visualizations, "astral temple" work, sigil "incubation" and having the usual Inner Plane aetheric experiences related to a group project for the lodge that has to do with the Archangel Michael "meme. This all the usual fun and games and mind vomit of occultists probing the aethyrs. All the while, things have been kind of crappy in real life lately and when something does happen, it's just to push my buttons. So, reflecting on this, I remembered how much this is this
Now, I used to be really, really into revering deity in the form of the Hindu goddesses Durga and Kali. I spent years--perhaps a decade or more--immersed in a text called the "Devi Mahatmyam--The Glory of the Goddess, "which tells 3 stories of how the Goddess, who is the combined power of all the gods, kills a bunch of archdemons to restore the order of the Universe. People who get into Goddess worship often get all sappy about God-as-All-Accommodating-Mother"." But when you start interacting with God as Goddess, this is what is really happening.
And that is what the scriptures about it really say, actually. And despite the idiot literalism and presentism, sentimentality, and self-righteousness that people apply to Christian scripture and apocryphal lore, the same thing that is happening in the picture of Durga is happening in this image by Albrecht Durer of Michael slaying Satan during the War in Heaven.
No, it is not a creepy demon bugaboo that you are being saved from--its you and your baggage and shit that your chosen god egregore is trying to wear out because youve given him/her permission to without reading the fine print about how it works.