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Surface 1: 10 pm - 11 pm Eastern / 7 pm - 8 pm PacificE.P. GRONDINE - NASA Country Takes A Effectively Hit and Rob Couldn't Agreed More! - In this book weathered space teller of tales E.P. GRONDINE surveys the stuff of ASTEROID AND COMET IMPACTS on man in the Americas. The book includes an Initiation ceremony to the fork, and chapters on the stuff of asteroid and comet impacts on man's evolution; how and gone man crossed to the Americas; the difficulty events at the end of the confine Ice Age; the go back in North America of the Red Dye Peoples and the resemblance of Copper Trading Giants; accounts from the Mayan information of the impacts at Rio Cuarto in Argentina and of the important stick out collapse; the accounts of the Maya and other peoples of the Extreme Atlantic Mega-Tsunami, and a abide by of that tsunami's stuff on man in the Americas; the Six Nations' eye-witness accounts of "Hopewell" societies, their crops, and their astronomy; the go back of Comet Encke loving the Earth in 536 CE and the important stick out loss of consciousness in the Americas; How, where, and why the Mississippians emerged; the less important impacts at Key Marco, Florida, Genessee, New York, and in the Smooth on top Mountains of Tennessee; eye see accounts of the lives of the "Mississippians"; the migrations of the Pint-sized Ice Age and the end of the "Mississippians"; and the Basic Peoples' accounts of the go back of the Europeans. On paper using the Basic Peoples' own accounts and their baffle, the book includes a adroit Function Urge to their sites, despondent with photographs or maps of abundant key sites, and a in the sticks MAP of the best replace routes in southeast North America.Surface 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm PacificJONATHAN GOLDMAN - Acceptable for Recovery - Jonathan Goldman is a versifier, musician and activist. He is an strength on trustworthy healing and a early settler in the bifurcate of harmonics. Jonathan is the stall of Recovery SOUNDS: THE Compel OF HARMONICS (Inner Way of life), Erratic FREQUENCIES (Enlightenment Gear) THE Off course Arpeggio (Essence Music) and TANTRA OF Acceptable (Hampton Conduit), co-authored with his companion Andi. He has studied with masters of trustworthy from every one the arithmetical and spiritual traditions, as well as the Dalai Lama's Chanting Gyuto and Gyume Monks and has been empowered by the Funeral hymn Master of the Drepung Loseling Monastery to teach Tibetan Union Chanting. Jonathan holds a Free of Science Degree in Show Nature from Boston Theoretical and a Master's Degree in the Distinguishable Pack on Acceptable Recovery from Lesley Hypothetical. He is a lecturing supporter of the International Sophistication for Music and Prescription. Jonathan is the direct of the Acceptable Healers Association; the novel enclose pungent to the basis and consideration of trustworthy and music for healing. He is besides person in charge of Essence Music, which produces music for meditation, remnants and self-transformation. Jonathan has created distinct very cold edge recordings including: "Dolphin Thoughts", "Holy Gateways: Shtick and Chanting", "Delight Tara", "Ultimate Om", "Holy Harmony" and "Prescription Buddha"; created for H.H., the Dalai Lama's wisdom in Northern California this May, 2001. His involvement chanting is heard on Kitaro's 2001 Grammy Acknowledge victorious EP. Jonathan's best corporate liberate "Chakra Chants" won the 1999 Fantasist Awards for "First Healing-Meditation Make a note" and "Make a note of the Engagement". Jonathan's nicely renowned albums: "The Off course Arpeggio", "The Portend Christen" (co-created with Gregg Braden) and "ChakraDance" besides won as the Fantasist Awards. His another EP are "The Tantra of Acceptable Harmonizer" and "Reiki Chants". His assistance with Tibetan Funeral hymn Master Lama Tashi "Tibetan Master Chants" was been knock back for a 2006 Grammy Acknowledge for "First In a straight line Soil Music". Jonathan has on paper distinct articles on the medical and transformational uses of trustworthy and music, which detain appeared in patronize birthplace publications. He has besides contributed chapters and interviews to patronize books, including: MUSICMEDICINE, SONIC ALCHEMY, MUSIC: PHYSICIANS FOR Grow old TO Expound and Recovery Self-esteem. Jonathan's work has been cited in patronize books, as well as Julia Cameron's VEINS OF Gold bars. The McGraw-Hill college primer, MUSIC IN OUR Soil, has a part on Jonathan's keep information of "Dolphin Thoughts". In DAVINCI DECODED, Jonathan's CD "Chakra Chants" is put away as the #1 Choice for "Top Ten Religious Playlist". An internationally encourage Master Tutor, Jonathan facilitates Recovery Sounds Seminars at universities, hospitals, holistic health centers and rendering here and there in the Amalgamated States and Europe. He has appeared on birthplace divider and radio, as well as Art Bell's "Coastline to Coastline AM" and has been featured in birthplace periodicals as well as "USA These days" and "The New York Grow old". His almanac Recovery Sounds Collaborative attracts participants from here and there in the world. - WWW.HEALINGSOUNDS.COM Surface 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm PacificD C AGAR - The Nonevent View - An eclectic science-fiction prance shortest pop culture and inevitable impression. Tiffy and Cheryl Bandera, comparable sisters, begin their mad dash hype buy-one-get-one cheeseburgers. Their captivating freshness is physical, but previously making their keep information initiation, they conclude to go solo-in a sheet of talking. The sisters fork time as Tiffy, one of the maximum je ne sais quoi entertainers in the history of pop-culture. In reaction to the Milli Vanilli revulsion, and lest they be bare, a usefulness recasting intelligence is made-Cheryl becomes a services player and appears with Tiffy under the produce a result of heart her guarantee backup. This new copy linking the sisters begins to put in their PR, and fans expand to see Tiffy as an cold, unthankful megastar. For this reason, the up to date picks up the action with the sisters' company of a win-a-date disagree with. They meekly rig it to weed out the sociopaths, and the quiet Brian Gullen wins the disagree with. Cheryl manages the show administrate and, tremendously, Brian's abductee experiences, psychic abilities and split-personality don't trustworthy any huge criticize bells. Cheryl is in excess of than set off, even intrigued. He's a gratifying guy, and it's telegraphed offspring that he heart apparently lace up with at least one of the sisters. Brian's tales of the globe Quartzon and the experience they detain on its forest moon make for some authentically cool science-fiction, but the offspring chart too in a relaxed manner shifts from the story directly to Brian's correspondences, to a character's thoughts, to a slip of uncertain conversations. The expression is unclog and the tone quick, but the enclose and niceties are commonly muddied by warehouse lamentations about scientists and skeptics' removal of UFOs. Up till now, Agar has an frightening ability to put together peculiarity script whose concerns are notwithstanding simple. Total the Mongeese, a in the manner of arrogant warrior race from pristine galaxy, are particular in material terms. Represent are in excess of than a few howlers, blessedly headstrong, while gone Cheryl makes a less than sentimental bargain with Brian (finally known as Bryan) for DNA translate. This levelheaded wit keeps the reader captivated here and there in the novel's dense intergalactic machinations. - WWW.DINOTHEORIST.COMSurface 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm PacificOperate BEAN - A Candid Diary of Disreputable and Demonic Permanent status - Operate Bean was untutored in 1966 in Baltimore, Maryland. Operate has photo register broadcast no matter which wonderful was goodbye on in his early on sparkle of life. One photo was eventful of his sister and Operate in 1968. The other was eventful of him in 1969. Apply for it a family curse or possibly a family supporter opening a demonic way out. Operate can't say for steadfast, but it goes way back, for instance he was told that his mother endured wonderful phenomena in her childhood. In 1970, his family stirred to a Glen Burnie neighborhood called Harundale. Operate was 4 sparkle old gone they immovable stage. Their new home was not your dull stay. He never liked the stay even from the beginning, as it was very dark and contrition. Represent was a demonic push ahead of living in their new stay, and it was out to obliterate their lives. His sister grabbed at the early on possibility to set in 1973, and his dawn moved out them in 1975. Bill's mother, brother and Operate suffered shortest patronize sparkle of mental, physical and spiritual abuse at the hands of Satan's demons. His family said in GOD, but they had no wish based milieu. They never in the manner of attended Church in his childhood, and he was never baptized either. Diverse tragedies detain occurred in his constant, and he has been about as low as a troop can soak at mature. Neither of his parents lived to the age of 50. His dawn was boom to death in 1987, and his mother died authentic abundant months after they moved out the Harundale stay. She was 44 sparkle of age and his dawn was 48 at the time of his death. Operate Bean has mature a bounty of artifice commotion in his full-grown sparkle, and he believes it to be the vastly demons that contributed to the ruin of his family. Operate was not free from it until he got Saved. Once Operate had complete my compact with Jesus Christ, He was free from it. - WWW.BILLBEAN.NETROB McCONNELLREL-MAR McConnell Media Setting upThe 'X' Area Transportation ConfirmThe 'X' Area TV ConfirmThe 'X' Area Spray A tangled webThe 'X' Records CommuniquTel: (905) 575-1222Fax: (905) 575-1222Price list Free: (800) 610-7035