Tuesday 23 April 2013 Fun With Acronyms And Grammar

Fun With Acronyms And Grammar
If you spend any time online here at WT or on any Pagan site, you're bound to encounter some acronyms that you may not be familiar with. The first part of this blog post is all about that. It might help some of you a great deal. Some of them are more common than others.

BB=Blessed be
BC=Broom closet
BTW=British Traditional Wicca (if it's lower case, it will refer to "by the way" like it usually does)
C&A=cakes and ale
COG=Covenant of the Goddess
CTC=Casting the Circle
DDtM=Drawing Down the Moon
DRW=Dedicatory Religious Witchcraft
FNDY=Fundamentalist Christian
HP(s)=High Priest(s)
HPS/HPess=High Priestess
MM=Merry Meet
MP=Merry Part
TFL=Threefold Law
TIW=Traditional Initiatory Witchcraft
TSD=The Spiral Dance
WR=Wiccan Rede

Also if you spend time online, you'll notice people react differently to you when you use incorrect grammar/spelling, so here's a few clarifications for you before you go out and post:

Pagan=a follower of a Pagan (or Neo-Pagan depending on the context) path Pegan=not a word
Pagen=also not a word

Altar=a tool/place where people set up shrines, conduct ritual, do daily devotions, etc.
Alter=a verb that means to cause change to something

Rose's=an item that belongs to Rose (possessive)
Roses=(plural) a number of roses (i.e. 4 roses)

There=a word describing location (i.e. The bottle is over there)
Their=an object belonging to them (possessive: i.e. Their bat is on the bench)
They're=a contraction meaning "They are" (i.e. They're going to play baseball)

Your=a possessive word meaning that something belongs to you (i.e. Is this your brush)
You're=a contraction meaning "You are" (i.e. You're very pretty)

Its=a possessive word meaning something belonging to it (i.e. The dog wagged its tail)
It's=a contraction meaning "It is" (i.e. It's very hot out today)

Affect=a verb meaning to change something (i.e. Your experiment affected me greatly)
Effect=a noun meaning a change in something (i.e. That crash had great emotional effects on her)

Oh, I am so sure there is much more to add to this post. I'm going to update as things strike me. If anyone has any additions, please post them below!

Source: mysteryvoodoo.blogspot.com