Saturday 6 April 2013 Petty Gods Example Vor Kantah

Petty Gods Example Vor Kantah
Here's an example of a petty god for those who are still unclear what I'm looking for. I have a ton of emails to answer from submitters and artists. Because there are so many of them, it may take me a few days to get through them all. If you haven't heard from me, don't worry: chances are I have gotten your submission or offer to illustrate and just haven't responded yet. Please bear with me; I was caught off-guard at the response this project would engender (not that I mind).Name: Vor KantahSymbol: A lightning bolt striking a bridgeAlignment: ChaoticMovement: 180' (60')Armor Class: -5Hit Points (Hit Dice): 99 hp (21 HD)Attacks: SpecialDamage: SpecialSave: M22Morale: 10Hoard Class: XII, XVIXP: 11,000Vor Kantah, Slayer of Fools and Heroes Alike, is the petty god of accidental death. Called upon both to protect against and to bring about demise by misadventure, Vor Kantah is a ghostly, incorporeal being, resembling a shadow of larger than normal proportions. Silent and ethereal, Vor Kantah surprises opponents on a roll of 1-5 on 1d6 and can only be struck by +2 or better weapons.The petty god attacks by turning his opponent's powers and abilities against him. For example, if attacking a fighter, Vor Kantah attacks as a 21 HD creature but deals damage equal to the weapon the fighter is currently carrying, plus Strength and other bonuses. If attacking a spellcasting character, the god employs one of the character's spells against him, in the process expending it.Vor Kantah can also bless or curse a mortal being, thereby decreasing or increasing the likelihood that unfortunate events occur in his presence for a 24 hour period. The blessing ensures that all attacks by the character do maximum damage, while all attacks and other damage-dealing effects against him do minimum damage (or are avoided entirely, if possible). The curse works in the opposite fashion. Vor Kantah can curse or bless one creature of his choice per round within 240', up to a maximum of 12 creatures per day. Vor Kantah Reaction Table (Use Wisdom instead of Charisma for Modifier) ROLL RESULT 2 Friendly: Blesses 1d4 nearby targets. 3-5 Indifferent: Blesses 1d4 nearby targets if properly propitiated. 6-8 Neutral: Ignores nearby creatures. 9-11 Unfriendly: Curses 1d4 nearby targets if not properly propitiated. 12 Hostile: Curses 1d4 nearby targets. Bear in mind that this is just an example. There's no need that each and every submission follow it to the letter. What I'm looking for is creativity, not a slavish adherence to the style or format I've presented here. That said, sticking roughly within the bounds set out in the example above is appreciated, as it makes formatting the final text a lot easier for me and increases its utility overall.
