Thursday 2 May 2013 Debra Fojtik Posted A Discussion

Debra Fojtik Posted A Discussion

It happened maybe three weeks ago. My husband and I had talked about my pagan beliefs before (months ago) and it didn't go so well. Then fast forward a few months. The agency he works for makes him do shift work and to be on call with long work weeks. Anywho, he was really short on sleep one day and in a foul mood. He had been watching a show about some man that went nuts and killed his wife or something along those lines. I jokingly asked him if he was going to go down the same route and he said "you're the witch, you tell me" Skip ahead to February 11th. Hubby had gotten back from OSS. The hotel he had been staying in had cable and he had wound up watching a show where they were talking about how a semi precious stone (called prehnite I believe) was mine in Scotland. He said that he was going to get one for me for Valentines day because the host had talked about how the stone had been believed to have magical properties. He said "I though you would like it cause you're into all that witchcraft or whatever stuff." It wasn't said in a mean way but came across as really sweet. Now I have a shrine set up to Hekate on my window in my kitchen. He has not said a word about it. All that mattered was that he knew and was more or less o.k. with it. I feel so much better.In all honesty, I credit Hekate Herself with this. All of this happened after She called me.See More