Monday 6 May 2013 May Astro Update By Mark S Mcnutt

May Astro Update By Mark S Mcnutt
Astrological Update for May 2006

(Soli Lunar New Moon in Taurus beginning April 27th)

The dance of the planets continues! Even when we deny or ignore their influences, we find that our magnetism and watery bodies continue to draw influences from our immediate environment and the subtle influences of the cosmos beyond. The microcosm of our selves reflects the macrocosm.

As this eclipse month ends, a little known fault near Salem OR gives a shudder as if to say, "Yes!" even Gaia, the world Spirit herself, is aware of the alignment of Sun and Moon.

The new moon defines the area of focus for the month, which then unfolds in potential for the first two weeks and then releases that potential (as defined by the full moon) over the following two weeks. All the while, the other 8 planets continue in their spiral dance to unfold our personal and planetary journey.

This new moon begins 4/27 at 12:44 pm PDT (West Coast US time) with Sun and Moon in Taurus. Taurus has to do with the Earth and Her resources, physical plane, body awareness, material goods, land, wealth, and all that is tangible and measurable, as well as the artistic and beautiful. It is no coincidence that the ancients observed the connection between this earth sign and the joy of the Earth's creation through flowers and growth of all that is green.

Energy radiates from the middle of the fixed signs outward. That is, midseason is the embodiment of the season. Spring, is described best by Beltane (the good time) and the flowing propagation of the Earth, than the firey newness of Aries. Summer, is described best by the midseason fires of Leo and Lammas in August than by the watery homebody sign of Cancer. Fall is described best by the intense and watery mystery of Scorpio and Samhain than by the balance of airy Libra. Winter begins with Capricorn but the airy potential of Aquarius and Imbolc speaks of the return of light, social life, and the rekindling new ideas.

So, this Taurean mid-season time, is the time for planting and being with nature, and especially for being true to our natures! The more we embrace what is natural for our body and being during this time, the more we manifest what is natural and healthy for us. Be aware of the abundance concerning our physical bodies and the environment, acquisition of goods and structures, the planting and the cultivation of gardens, and the magickal connection with nature. Garden, build, go for walks, and spend as much time as possible at the ultimate

The full moon on 5/13 will bring forth a tidal wave of emotions and intense passions to a peak that is very powerful for moving energy; Jupiter and Uranus add to this. Ground yourself and ride the wave, trusting your emotions and knowing that your mission will have tangible results in May and beyond.

Beginning the evening of 5/20, the Sun will move into the airy sign Gemini, bringing intellect and fanciful wings for networking the new ideas that are born of the strong roots available now. The plant is only as strong as its' roots, so focus before 5/20 on growing and nourishing whatever those roots are. Otherwise, those plants (that is, your ideas and strategy) may become top heavy from too much talk and not enough walk. Don't let your focus dissipate and dry out, water your emotions heavily in mid month.

Jupiter and Uranus are in the water signs of Scorpio and Pisces respectively, and are in trine, a favorable aspect, all month. This is excellent for new ideas and friendships, and creativity coming out of the blue with mostly positive and highly predictable results. We can expect old friends to arrive or contact us over the airwaves from far away places. As well, we can expect extended generosity to unexpectedly be returned. Karma is its' own reward or dilemma, as we reap what we sow in a surprising manner.

Spontaneous travel is highly encouraged, as are serendipitous changes of plan. Endeavor to do, think or plan something that is original. It's time, in the second half of month, to climb out of the box of self-limiting choices! The dreaminess of Neptune in Aquarius further encourages this, even as it slows down to begin its' yearly retrograde (5/23). This implies "Get going!" on your new activities before 5/20, as the end of the month is best used for herding all of the cats that you've spontaneously decided to take on. The end of the month energy is very mental and diffused, but air signs love that playing field.

Mars in Cancer denotes aggressive nurturing of home and family situations, and feelings which suddenly come to the forefront, especially under that time of the "visible full moon" in mid month, which dissolves into more mental and social juggling around 5/20. A great shift occurs from 5/12-20. Be flexible and creative. Explore your feelings and the mind will follow.

Expect love and relations to be impulsive and immediate but not necessarily lasting. Even as you are building new bridges, exploring deep feelings and attachments, and feeling out what you value most, it changes again with the next lunation at the end of the month; so remember what grounds and roots you and return there.

We present this column every lunation or new moon, as a service and by popular request.

Astrology works on many, many levels and we can peel back the layers to revel ever-deeper aspects of ourselves and the truth of our being. If you would like to have a more in-depth reading of how these and other planetary transits affect you, contact me, Mark S. McNutt, for a personal reading.

Mark S. McNutt has been practicing and teaching Astrology professionally since 1972 and is available for personal readings, tutoring, and group classes and presentations at 541-964-5341 or thru

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