Sunday 5 May 2013 Pierre Sabak The Theban Priesthood Adam And Eve Bloodline

Pierre Sabak The Theban Priesthood Adam And Eve Bloodline
Source:, pierresabak.comDECEMBER 5, 2010Pierre Sabak is the journalist of "The Settle of Sincerity - Concentrated Symbolism of the Dragon", the first in a series of books called "Serpentigena." Pierre was first with us in October, he is back on the normal to vacation to take up and mold his etymological studies focusing on illuminotics. In this normal we take up the Theban Priesthood, the Nephilim and the history of Adam and Eve and the link to Orion and the Pleadies. Pierre describes the cherubic wars and take up the struggle surrounded by the Pleiades (human contingent) and Sirius (pal deities). We moreover write about the Nazarenes, the Nazir priesthood, Nazi's, NASA, Aryans and Zionists in our spark hour. Topics discussed: wing within the priesthood, the Theban priesthood, Pleiades, Orion, history of Adam and Eve, Carry of Enoch, Annaki, Titan, Uranus, Erin, Arion, Bipartisan Cipher, restriction guzzle wing, Shatani, Human-Angelic history, dialectic, Thebes, Adam ?admon, West Pleadies and East Orion, Serpent, Mars, stone, highly, Bull, Zeus, University, Moon, Sin and more. ~Red Ice Creationsdownload mp3