Thursday 30 May 2013 Free Candle Spells New Moon In Taurus Time To Move

Free Candle Spells New Moon In Taurus Time To Move
THE NEW MOON IN TAURUS OCCURS AT 2:20 AM E.S.T ON APRIL 21, 2012. The New Moon is considered favorable for burning green candles anointed with MONEY DRAWING OILS for money, yellow candles anointed with HELPING HAND, Crowning Glory or CROWN OF SUCCESS CONDITION OILS for success, and red candles anointed with "FAST LUCK" OILS for quick luck. This is a most favorable time for those who are starting a business or making plans to move forward with plans that will add to their income and abundance.

THE MOON IN TAURUS IS CONSIDERED A "FIXED " EARTH SIGN, meaning that it is stable, practical and materialistic. It has been said that of all persons born under the zodiac sign of Taurus that they have a way with money and many choose the banking profession because of their ease with investments and cash.

PLANT YOUR SEEDS FOR FINANCIAL GROWTH AND INCOME producing ideas that will surround you with security in the future.

THIS IS A MOST FAVORABLE TIME TO LIGHT CANDLES IF YOU ARE GOING to ask someone to loan you money or invest in your business or idea. Gear up to make your presentation the most logical and practical that you can and use your power of communication to impart the idea that they would be sorry that they did not consider your financial offer.

THIS IS ALSO A GOOD TIME TO CHANGE OUT YOUR ALTAR CLOTHS and spruce up the sanctuary where you burn all of your candles as Taurus is also favored for fine fabrics and luxe surroundings.

