Note: This is a standard warning for all "Satanic Panic" documentaries. This documentary was made during the time of the "Satanic Panic" (late 1970s throughout he mid 1990s). During this time society lost it's collective mind. Much of the information presented here in this documentary and in other "Satanic Panic" documentaries is out-dated, unreliable, and incorrect. Many of the so-called "experts" have been exposed as cons or liars. In this documentary, Gunderson brings up the McMartin Preschool Case. Gunderson is quite wrong in this example. No Satanic abuse took place and the "investigation" was a sham. The children's accusations included claims of the "Satanists" being able to fly and of being flushed down toilets into underground torture chambers where they were abused and molested in Satanic rituals, only to be cleaned up and taken above ground via trap doors. At least one "victim" claimed that Chuck Norris was one of the Satanists that abused him. The accusations began when a mother who was later diagnosed as being a schizophrenic, accused a teacher of hurting her son and stabbing him in the eyes with scissors.