Monday 1 September 2014 Raines Classes And Workshops

Raines Classes And Workshops
THE CRYSTAL CONNECTION: GEM ELIXIRSWITH RAINEMONDAY MAY 20TH7PM 20 Come join us for maing your own gem elixirs! Learn what crystals and stones to place in your elixirs, what fluids to use, how to charge your elixirs, how to use them, and what their purposes are for your spiritual growth and physical well being!HOMEOPATHIC FIRST AID WITH RAINETHURSDAY MAY 30TH7PM 20 Come and Join us for this exciting hands on workshop "making your own homeopathic first aid kit" ! What herbs are used, why we use them, how they are used, and so much moreWOMEN'S MYSTERIESWITH RAINEMONDAY MAY 27TH7PM 20 Join Us For This Monthly Workshop For Women Only. We Will Be Discussing And Learning About The Divine Feminine, Ancient Goddesses, Magickal Tools To Enhance Your Spiritual Insight, Love, Life, Money, Discussing Female Roles In Society, Feminine Empowerment, And So Much More
