Friday, 31 May 2013 Lent Ii
religion belief,
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Thursday, 30 May 2013 Free Candle Spells New Moon In Taurus Time To Move
THE MOON IN TAURUS IS CONSIDERED A "FIXED " EARTH SIGN, meaning that it is stable, practical and materialistic. It has been said that of all persons born under the zodiac sign of Taurus that they have a way with money and many choose the banking profession because of their ease with investments and cash.
PLANT YOUR SEEDS FOR FINANCIAL GROWTH AND INCOME producing ideas that will surround you with security in the future.
THIS IS A MOST FAVORABLE TIME TO LIGHT CANDLES IF YOU ARE GOING to ask someone to loan you money or invest in your business or idea. Gear up to make your presentation the most logical and practical that you can and use your power of communication to impart the idea that they would be sorry that they did not consider your financial offer.
THIS IS ALSO A GOOD TIME TO CHANGE OUT YOUR ALTAR CLOTHS and spruce up the sanctuary where you burn all of your candles as Taurus is also favored for fine fabrics and luxe surroundings.
business finance,
Wednesday, 29 May 2013 The Third Secret Of Fatima To Be Revealed
religion belief,
Tuesday, 28 May 2013 Festivals Of India
A festival is a celebration of life. It is a celebration, anxiety or a series of performance of abiding lenient, repeatedly immersed now and again. Festivals bring peace and joy to the masses. They break the identicalness of life. Indian festivals are diverse. They are of two types- pious and emigrant. They bring in the pious sect of the dynasty. They count the reform of seasons. The dynasty correct their plan or emigrant reform with briskness and arouse. The pious festivals of India quality "DUSSEHRA", "DIWALI", Janmastami", Shivaratri,Rama navami, Holi, Chath, Navaratri, Eid, Christmas, the festivals of parsis and jews", "etc. The emigrant festivals quality Bihu, Baisakhi, Onam, Pongal, Basant panchami, Rakshabandan etc."
"RAKSHA-BANDHAN" deal with 'the surety of commit. It is also well-known as "RAKHI" and it is formerly observed in India, Mauritius and Nepal. It is a Hindu festival. It is also well-known as "RAKHI POORNIMA"in ceiling of India. This festival tumble on the "RICH MOON DAY OF THE SRAVAN MONTH" of the Hindu lunisolar calendar. This festival is about the relation amid "SISTER AND BROTHER", in that day sister tying a Rakhi (A HOLY THRED) on her brother's wrist and she prays for her brother and brother also promises himself to saloon his sister from every posting. It's a melodic festival which brings relieved and also commendation to our lives. Rakhi has strengthened the surety of love amid brother and sister. This festival is about to withdraw us about our responsibilities not only this festival but also every Indian festival has it own importance and also tells about our relations and how we turn into population.
Rakhi - North IndiaGamha Purnima - OdishaNarali poornima - Maharashtra, Gujarat, GoaJandhyam Poornima - UttarakhandKajari Poornima - Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, BiharPavitropana - GujaratJulan purnima, poonal/Jandhya Poornima/Janyu - Brahmins in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Konkan and odisha reform their sacred stuff on the same day.(janyu, called as Poonal in Tamil, Jandhyam in sanskrit)
HOLI is a pious fighting fit festival and is fantastic by Hindus as a festival of colors. In the beginning this festival is observed in INDIA AND NEPAL. It is also observed by the minority Hindus in Bangladesh and Pakistan as well in countries with talented Indian diaspora territory go along with Hinduism, such as Malaysia, Guyana, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobaco, The Allied Win, The Allied states, Mauritius and Fiji. It has some other names having the status of PHAGWAH in Assam, Fair OF Usual or DOLAJATRA in Odisha, DOL-JATRA or BASANTOTSAV(festival of colors) in West Bengal and Assam. HOLI is of abnormal importance in the BRAJ subdivision, which includes locations usually allied to Peer of the realm Krishna. As per Hindu calendar, holi is fantastic on the PHALGUN POORNIMAwhich comes in February or Complain in the Gregorian calendar. All rendezvous thousands of Hindus amusement in the festival of Holi. The festival has tons purposes. The apex and ceiling sense, it celebrates the beginning of the new sense, fighting fit.
The word HOLIcomes from '"HOLIKA"' sister of HIRANYAKASHIPU. The holi is fantastic based on a story in the old Hindu religion. That is pertinent to Hiranyakashipu, who is the eloquent king of demons and he had been contracted a get going by BRAHMA, which ended it in the neighborhood of not in him to be killed. Consequently, he grew pleased with yourself and attacked the look and the earth. he demanded that dynasty terminate worshipping gods and start admiring each to him. But PRAHLADA, son of Hiranyakashipu was a opinionated of Vishnu. Inspite of a number of coercion from Hiranyakashipu, prahlada continued praying to Vishnu. But Hiranyakashipu do a lot of attemps to assassinate Prahlada, but he bungled. Recently, he prearranged Prahlada to sit on a pyre in the lap of Holika, Hiranyakashipu's demonees sister, who also may perhaps not die in view of the fact that she had a get going preventing her from at the same time as burned by fire. Prahlada vocal his father's order and prayed to Peer of the realm Vishnu to confirmation him okay. On one occasion the fire started, somebody watched hastily as Holika burnt to death, being prahlada survived perfect. THE Exchange OF PRAHLADA AND Hot OF HOLIKA IS Notorious AS HOLI.
In Mathura, everywhere Krishna grew up, the festival is fantastic for 16 days (UNTIL RANGAPANCHAMI) in memorial of the divine love of Radha and Krishna
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anthropology of religion,
Monday, 27 May 2013 Why Buddhism Why Now
Buddhism is : A religion of true peace that has never advocated any violence in its name. Buddhism is one of the oldest religions of the world.Yet, it has the distinguished honour as a religion that has never had a holy war.No body has gone to war to vanquish unbelievers or to convert others to Buddhism. The very first precept that every Buddhist takes is to refrain from taking life. A religion that emphasizes compassion, acceptance and kindness. Buddhism has been a great civilizing force. It tamed the nomadic and violent hordes of Asia and brought art, culture and civilization. Buddhists are known for their kind, accepting and non-judgmental ways. Today, as Buddhism spreads to new lands, it is not brought by missionaries intent on converting others but is typically established by the initiative of local people who invite teachers to share the teachings.It does not actively plan to seek converts but assists and provides the opportunities for converts to appreciate the religion for themselves.
A religion that provides a clear path for spiritual and personal development. Buddhism is not a collection of legends and stories.It does not present itself as a mystery that can only be understood by certainpeople. Instead, Buddhism presents itself as a clear and credible path that anyone can undertake according to his own understanding and ability.It is a method that can be applied giving results that can be experienced immediately. A religion that teaches us to take full responsibility for our actions. Buddhism does not attempt to explain the problems in the world as part of a mysterious plan. It does not blame fate or any divine being for whatever good or bad we experience in life.Instead, it teaches that we are accountable for the results of our past actions and that we are the masters of our own destiny. Buddhism insists that mankind takes responsibility for its own actions. A religion that discourages blind faith or unthinking worship. Buddhism does not insist that people accept dogmas or doctrines on faith.It actually suggests its adherents to think, to reason and to challenge its teachings. A religion that welcomes questions and investigations into its own teachings. Being totally self-confident, Buddhism opens itself to query and scrutiny.There is no concept of blasphemy in Buddhism. People are encouraged to question the Buddhist teachings and they can
expect to be answered with rationality, respect and honesty. A religion that says sincere followers of other beliefs are also rewarded in the afterlife. Buddhists are taught not to condemn followers of other faiths but to see the good that they practice.Buddhism teaches that what happens to us in the future depends not on our beliefs but on what we do in the present. This is a natural law in accordance with scientific principles and applies to everyone regardless of their religious label.
A religion that is very much in harmony with modern science. Buddhism does not conflict with science. It does not attempt to bend the facts to suit its faith.Indeed, much of modern science, particularly in the fields of psychology and physics supports the tenets of Buddhism.
Buddhism can be summarized as : "Avoid wrong actions, do good, and purify the mind." Just by putting its teachings into practice, you will gain good results in this life and plant the seeds of good for the future. Buddhists believe that world peace is not an impossibility.Instead of seeking divine assistance, it asks mankind to take responsibility for its own actions, speech and thoughts and seek to overcome greed, hatred and delusion.
Wesak Publicity Committee Bandar Utama Buddhist Society Sender: Lee Yu Ban15 Lrg PJU 3/23 DSunway Damansara019-2291881
The Restitution Of All Things Christ Will Take Over
Posted in: 2007By Tom L. Ballinger
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June 9, 2007
Some Bible truths are overlooked. Some are by-passed. Some Bible truths are unheeded. In many instances, this is the result of being unable to recognize the importance which the truth might play in God's overall purposes. This is understandable and pardonable. However, when a Truth is made known in the Old Testament and, then, is repeated in the New Testament, it is altogether another matter. Especially, if the LORD (Yahweh) said it in the Old Testament; then, Jesus (Yahweh) repeated it in the New Testament. To overlook such an important passage is inexcusable. Such a passage doesn't go unnoticed-it goes ignored!
Notice what the LORD (Yahweh) said in Isaiah 42:1-4:
"Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nations. He will not shout or cry out, or raise his voice in the streets. A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; he will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth. In his law the islands will put their hope" (NIV).
Moving into the New Testament, the scene in Matthew Twelve, we note that Christ went into a synagogue of the Jews. In front of the Pharisees, he healed a man with a withered hand. Immediately, the Pharisees withdrew and "held a council" against Him. They were in the process to exerting the power of the State and the machinery of the government to "destroy Him." Never forget that the State is shear power! The Pharisees were willing to use the sword of the State in order to protect their political place and position by having Jesus Christ killed at the hands of the State. The rage of the Pharisees was instantaneous. The Lord Jesus knew they were plotting His assassination; therefore, He withdrew Himself from their locality. He didn't want to be in the position of having to kill, or be killed. He was awaiting His appointed time at Calvary. Then, in Matthew 12:18-21, He said, quoting Isaiah 42:1-4:
"Here is My Servant Whom I have chosen, the One I love, in Whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on Him, and He will proclaim justice to the nations. He will not quarrel or cry out; no one will hear His voice in the streets. A bruised reed He will not break, and a smoldering wick He will not snuff out, till He leads justice to victory. In His Name the nations will put their hope" (NIV).
These words speak of a great prophetic Truth. We will not ignore these twice-spoken words! When will these words find their fulfillment? They were not fulfilled during the First Advent of our Lord Jesus. Then, they must find their fulfillment sometime in the future. Some teachers and students, who are confronted with these words, will timidly suggest that they will be fulfilled at the Second Advent of Christ. They have written, very dismissively, concerning this prophecy and make no attempt to resolve the statements, such as, "He will not shout or cry out, or raise his voice in the streets;" with "The Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout" (1 Thess. 4:16). Both of these statements cannot possibly refer to the same episode. We know, for sure, that the latter refers to the 2nd Coming, to wit, the Parousia of the Lord Jesus Christ. The former, therefore, cannot be a reference to His Parousia.
"A bruised reed He will not break, and a smoldering wick He will not snuff out" speaks of an event in which no one is hurt, or injured. In "Figures of Speech Used in the Bible" (Page 161), it says, "He will strengthen the bruised reed and kindle to a flame the smouldering wick." This speaks of restoration. Restoration is the main theme of the Gospel of the Kingdom (Acts 3:19-21). Whereas, we find the Truth relating to the 2nd Coming speaks of destruction. We find in 1 Thessalonians 1:7-10 that Jesus Christ will be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and obey not the gospel of Jesus Christ. They shall be castigated with everlasting punishment from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power-the latter event of vengeance and punishment will be the result of Christ's Parousia. The former cannot be a reference to the Parousia. A good student, who desires to be an unashamed workman, must rightly distinguish between two future events; one being the beautiful prediction voiced in Isaiah 42:1-4 and Matthew 12:18-21, and the other being those things associated with the 2nd Coming (i.e., Parousia) of Christ.
For many years, we have searched the work of past and contemporary Bible Teachers, hoping to find an acknowledgement and an exegesis of this spectacular prophecy. We have searched in vain. We have concluded that this magnificent prediction is ignored because it will not harmonize with their scheme of theology-in fact, it contradicts the dispensational view they hold. On the other hand, there is one prophetic understanding in which it fits perfectly. It is the Truth that the next phenomenon to occur on God's Prophetic Clock is the sudden breaking-forth of the Divine assumption of the dominion of the governments of the world. In plainer words, the Kingdom of God becomes manifest upon the earth. The ignored prophecy will begin its process when the Lord Jesus Christ begins to judge the quick and the dead at His Epiphaniea, and His Kingdom (2 Timothy 4:1).
The process will consist of three elements: (1) He will proclaim justice to the nations; (2) He will lead justice to victory; and (3) In His Name shall the nations put their hope.
The prophecy we are considering sheds a great deal of light as to what is accomplished when the Divine Government, to wit, the Kingdom of God, comes upon the earth.
"Here is My Servant Whom I have chosen." We are called upon, as students of the Word, to pay close attention to what is said. These twice-repeated words demand that we give heed and consider who is the person Whom God calls,"My Servant,"and Whom God loves and delights in.
"I will put My Spirit on Him." God's Servant, Jesus Christ, will cause the Holy Spirit to take up residence in the earth. The Spirit will permeate every facet of life on earth. In connection with this, we read of His Spirit being poured out upon all flesh (Acts 2:17). The Kingdom of God will not be just meat and drink, but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17). The Spirit will be so prominent during the Kingdom of God that we must mention John 16:7-13:
"Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on me; Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more; Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged. I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come."
The Holy Spirit is so dominant during the Pre-Parousia Kingdom that Mr. Otis Q. Sellers said, "In fact, Divine Government is brought about by the second coming of the Holy Spirit, not by the second coming of Jesus Christ. He will never leave His position at the right hand of God until His enemies have become His footstool."
Indeed, it will be, "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the LORD" (Zechariah 4:6).
"He will proclaim justice to the nations. Justice," especially Divine law, will be openly made known to the nations. Christ will cause judgment, i.e., justice, to be heard from heaven (Psalm 76:8). His judgments (justice) will be in all the earth (Psalm 105:7). The Prophet Amos has a beautiful description of justice being proclaimed to the nations:
"But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream" (Amos 5:24) RSV.
The world knows not justice, nor equity. It's every man for himself. Justice and equity are commodities which are desperately lacking in the governments of the world. We acknowledge that the guiding force of this world system is Satan, the Prince of Darkness. The political elites of the world system are manipulated by the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2), and justice and equity are not the principle upon which they operate.
BUT... "in the last days it shall come to pass...He shall judge among the nations, and rebuke strong nations from afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more" (Micah 4:1, 3-4). Isaiah, basically, predicts the same thing in Isaiah 2:2-4.
In the "last days" [the Pre-Parousia Kingdom], wars will cease. The study of how to wage war will also cease. Universal peace will triumph. The Lord Jesus will govern the world from God's Throne in the heavens (Acts 2:30).
All of these promises will come to pass when He proclaims justice to the nations. The nations will learn justice, even Divine Law, and they will govern accordingly.
"He will not quarrel or cry out." Historically, it seems that all nations had their beginnings amid clashes, disputes, fights, and even, wars. With the Holy Spirit replacing "the god of this world," the course of this new world order will take an altogether different direction. The leaders of the nations will either comply with the directions of the Lord Jesus Christ, or they will be dramatically replaced. Consider the demise of King Herod in Acts 12:23 which may, very well, have been a preview of things to come in the Kingdom age, "And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him [King Herod], because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost."
There will be no conflict, no quarreling between the nations. The nations will eagerly wait for God's Word.
The revelation of the Glory of the Lord will be achieved without Him shouting, or crying out. He cried out, at times, during the First Advent, "Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto Me and drink" (John 7:37). Neither can the "ignored prophecy" have anything to do with His 2nd Coming, which is highlighted by a shout and the voice of the archangel as Christ, Himself, descends from heaven (1 Thess. 4:16).
"No one will hear His voice in the streets." The world will be dramatically changed, both in philosophy and character, without the voice of Jesus Christ being heard. All flesh shall see the glory of the LORD together and at the same time:
"And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it" (Isaiah 40:5).
Seeing the Glory of the LORD will be one of many factors which enlighten the world. The future Pre-Parousia Kingdom is ushered in with mankind being supernaturally enlightened regarding the Truth for the Day of Christ.
"His lightnings enlightened the world: the earth saw, and trembled" (Psalm 97:4).
Seen in the 97th Psalm is the LORD's (Yahweh's) assumption of authority over the whole world which brings an end to corrupt and fragile, human government. Divine Government is instituted over the whole earth without a gun being shot, or a cannon fired, or a bomb being dropped. Nations form new governments which will be in harmony with Divine Rule. The Heavens will appoint the rulers of each nation (Daniel 4:25). It will all be accomplished without the Voice of Jesus Christ being heard in the streets of the capitals of the world. Political "rabble-rousers" rally crowds and demonstrate in the streets, but "His voice" will not be heard in the streets!
"For Thou, LORD, art high above all the earth: Thou art exalted far above all gods"
(Psalm 97:9).
This positions the Lord Jesus Christ "far above all the earth," sitting on the Throne of God as He assumes the Kingship of the whole-world. His Holy Spirit is instrumental in illuminating every living human being. Man will be enlightened. Most of mankind will rejoice in his new, enlightened understanding, but some will not like it, or rejoice in the Light that is forced on them. There will be the "Jannes and Jambres" (2 Timothy 3:8-9) of this world who will pass from the age of Grace into the Kingdom of God only to be found out and purged.
The enlightenment of the world is likened, by the Lord Jesus, to lightning
"For as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven, shineth unto the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of Man be in his Day" (Luke 17:24).
So shall it be as He enlightens the earth's inhabitants. This results in the earth being "full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea" (Isaiah 11:9).
John 16:7-11 declares that the enlightenment of the world will be accomplished by the Spirit of Truth [the Comforter] which will pervade the earth. He, the Comforter, "will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: of sin, because they believe not on Me; of righteousness, because I go to My Father, and ye see Me no more; of judgment, because the prince of the world is judged."
This is a work which belongs to the time when God governs the world. The work of the Spirit enlightening the world is, both, the initial work and a continuous process.
"Howbeit when He, the Spirit of Truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear (from God), that shall He speak: and He will shew you things to come" (John 16:13).
The illumination of mankind is understood to be declared in Acts 2:17:
"And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh."
There will be wave-after-wave of enlightenment flowing forth from Heaven's Throne. The Spirit of Truth will carry It throughout the earth-to every square inch of terra firma. Yes, Truth will flow down like a mighty stream (Amos 5:24), accomplishing everything required for Christ to govern as the Only Potentate, and King of kings.
"A bruised reed He will not break, and a smouldering wick He will not snuff out."
As pointed out earlier, the idea, here, is that no one will be hurt, injured, or damaged when the Kingdom comes. The Lord will strengthen the bruised reed and rekindle the flame of smoldering wick. Acts 3:19-21's mention of the times of refreshing and the restoration of all things is a more precise way of expressing this truth.
"Times of refreshing" and "the times of restitution (restoration) of all things" will find their fulfillment during the dispensation which follows the Age of Grace-the Pre-Parousia Kingdom of God. The prophecy of Isaiah 42:1-4 and Matthew 12:18-21 finds its fulfillment when the Kingdom of God suddenly becomes a reality; when the Lord Jesus Christ begins judging the living and the dead AT HIS APPEARING AND HIS KINGDOM (2 Timothy 4:1).
"In His Name the nations will put their hope." The King James translates this as "in His Name shall the nations trust." Imagine, the nations trusting in Jesus Christ! What a wonderful time this will be. "The nations" means every nation, not just Western European and the North American nations or Australia, but all nations! All nations will trust, hope, and rely on the Lord Jesus Christ. This truth is repeated in Romans 15:12 and explains why they will be willing to give up their implements of war and convert them into peaceful ones.
As students of the Word, we should not ignore a twice-revealed prophecy!
Tom L. Ballinger
Prayer To The Akua Kii
The Akua-Kii can be distantly associated to the Lars, Keres, Daemons, Warden Angels and Fairy-Godfolk
Sunday, 26 May 2013 Belief Vs Disbelief Debate Broadens With Tv Documentary
Jonathan Miller Reveals the Hidden Story of Atheism
Three-Part Series Premiers May 4 on Public Television"... the history of the growing conviction that God doesn't exist." - Jonathan Miller
The debate over belief-disbelief-atheism intensifies with the national airing of A Brief History of Disbelief on public television stations, premiering May 4. Hosted by Jonathan Miller, the three-part series comes in the midst of the recent release of two provocative books on atheism: Christopher Hitchens' "God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything" and Joan Konner's "The Atheist's Bible."
Jonathan Miller will be interviewed along with clips from the series on the May 4th "Bill Moyers Journal" seen on PBS. You can watch the promotional trailers by going here.
"A Brief History of Disbelief" is not being aired exclusively by PBS, and it is not being carried on a national feed. Your local public television station may be airing the show on a different day than May 4th. To find out when the show is airing in your area, please consult local listings. God has rarely been such a contentious issue. Best-selling books The God Delusion, The End of Faith, Letter to a Christian Nation and Breaking the Spell have forcefully challenged the sacred cows, doctrines and dogmas of conventional religious belief.
A Brief History of Disbelief is a deeply intelligent and rational journey through the highly divisive topic. A Brief History of Disbelief premiers in the U.S. on most public television stations on Friday, May 4, 2007 (check local listings). The series is presented by the Independent Production Fund, executive director Alvin Perlmutter.
Written and narrated by acclaimed British intellectual Jonathan Miller - author, lecturer, TV producer/host, director of theater, opera and film, and neurologist - A Brief History of Disbelief originally aired on the BBC in the U.K. It was the first-ever historical look at the controversial topic on television. It is only during the last few years in the U.S. that atheism can be fully and widely discussed. Many leaders and celebrities are "coming out of the closet." Just this week, U.S. Congressman Pete Stark publicly declared that he does not believe in a supreme being.
"This series is about the disappearance of something: religious faith," Miller says in the opening. "It's the story of what is often referred to as 'atheism,' the history of the growing conviction that God doesn't exist."
A Brief History of Disbelief combines an exploration of the origins of Miller's own lack of belief with historical perspective and interviews with leading authorities, including biologist Richard Dawkins, philosopher Daniel Dennett, recently deceased playwright Arthur Miller, and physicist Steven Weinberg.
"In making this series I have inevitably discovered that the history of faith and doubt is a great deal more complicated that it might seem," Jonathan Miller declares. Among the program's surprising revelations is that philosophy, not science as often assumed, played a larger role in the gradual erosion of belief. And contrary to what many Christian fundamentalists today consider America's founding principles, the first presidents were actually skeptical of religion. A Brief History of Disbelief traces the history of the first "unbelievers" in ancient Greece through the role of disbelief in America's founding to its flourishing today.
Part I: Shadows of Doubt
Miller visits the site of the absent Twin Towers to consider the religious implications of 9/11 and meets Arthur Miller and the philosopher Colin McGinn. He searches for evidence of the first "unbelievers" in ancient Greece and examines some of the modern theories around why people have always tended to believe in mythology and magic.
Part II: Noughts and Crosses
With the domination of Christianity from 500 AD, Miller wonders how disbelief began to re-emerge in the 15th and 16th centuries. He discovers that division within the Church played a more powerful role than the scientific discoveries of the period. He also visits Paris, the home of the 18th century atheist Baron D'Holbach, and shows how politically dangerous it was to undermine the religious faith of the masses.
The Final Hour
The history of disbelief continues with the ideas of self-taught philosopher Thomas Paine, the revolutionary studies of geology, and the evolutionary theories of Darwin. Miller looks at the Freudian view that religion is a "thought disorder." He also examines his motivation behind making the series touching on the issues of death and the religious fanaticism of the 21st century.
A Brief History of Disbelief is presented by the Independent Production Fund, which has produced highly acclaimed information programming for over thirty years. The company and its producers have used television to educate, engage and challenge viewers to consider issues, ideas and public figures from new perspectives.
Major funding for A Brief History of Disbelief is provided by The Center for Inquiry, with additional funding from American Ethical Union, American Humanist Association, Institute for Humanist Studies, and HKH Foundation.
Media Advisory: Writer and narrator Jonathan Miller and some of the program's experts are available for interviews.
Contacts: Baran Communications
Josh Baran - 212-779-2666, jcbaran AT aol DOT com
Scott Tillitt - 917-449-6356, scott AT antidotecollective DOT org
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entertainment culture,
religion belief
Saturday, 25 May 2013 Hermes The Bad Witch God Of The Week
Hermes is the messenger of the gods and also the god of trade, athletics, travel and good fortune. However, he is also the god of thieves and tricksters - which is why I have chosen him as my God of the Week for the first week in April.
Hermes as a child was a real Artful Dodger. His anti-social behaviour began when he was only a few days old and decided to steal a herd of cattle. Not only did he steal them, but he killed two of them for their lovely hides and juicy steaks.
He didn't know they belonged to Apollo but, when the God of Music turned up in a foul temper to get them back, he was very quick at talking his way out of trouble. He persuaded Apollo to accept a lyre strung with cow guts in exchange for the cattle and even convinced him it was a good deal.
According to, the son of Zeus' gift of the gab made him the perfect choice for messenger duties:
"Zeus made him a herald and kitted him out with a winged hat and sandals. Powered by these he can zoom all over the place delivering news that's worse than it sounds... Hermes made a vow to Zeus: 'I will never tell lies - although I cannot promise always to tell the whole truth.' Despite wheeling and dealing by the seat of his pants, Hermes always manages to leave his customers perfectly satisfied. Mostly due to his incredibly cunning sales talk."Governing communication, fast travel and a good sales pitch, Hermes seems a suitable god for the times we live in, where these things seem increasingly important.
Hermes' winged sandals give him prime position on the front cover of Trickster Makes This World: How Disruptive Imagination Creates Culture
greek mythology,
Project Lucifer And The Vatican Astonishing Exo Theological Plan For The Arrival Of An Alien Saviour
IT DOESN'T Kit Anything YOU Get Anything THE VATICAN IS PREPARING FOR IS Concerning TO Rephrase Everything In Exo-Vaticana: Petrus Romanus, Project LUCIFER, and the Vatican's awesome exo-theological diagram for the restore of an curious saviour,... exposing the elitists and intellectuals who are bargain mankind's amalgamation under a coming 'saviour,' one whom the visionary Daniel foresaw as "an curious god."VATICAN AND ET Shock o Unveiled! The Vatican's awesome diagram for the restore of an curious godo Disclosed! Innermost documents in the Vatican library on the truthfulness of the curious presenceo Found! The private document detailing the Vatican's position on the extraterrestrialso Revealed! Project LUCIFER and the wood seek out for "Fallen Aspect"o 2013! The meeting top astronomers say the curious world and its people order be divulgedo Uncovered! The Collins Decide on, Occultism, and a secret breeding and hybridization establishVATICAN'S MAN SAYS ALIENS Continue ">THE VATICAN'S Astonishing Graphic FOR THE Come again OF AN Irrelevant SAVIOUR The restoration of the Catholic Cathedral... whoever seats the throne of the papacy, potency sit a auxiliary enthusiastic part in the revelation of the truthfulness of extra-terrestrial life. Strength ET's be part of the cleanup participant to stash away us and renew order overdue futile events seat occurred? If so, how participatory is the Vatican is in this workable plan? Are they patient onlookers, or are their intricately winding in the bargain and dipping of the post ET world?The Vatican's high spot cringe (Vatican Aristocratic Equipment Cower) sited at the Mt Graham Observatory, Arizona, is tracking no matter which that has yet to be announced to the world. Guesstimate from Jerk Malachi Martin, spanking Jesuit, ryptically revealed no matter which that was so tracked by Vatican astronomers that had violent concern. In a 1997 interview on the arrived radio establish Seashore to Seashore AM, Martin said: Since the point of view...between community who [are] at the...maximum levels of Vatican order and geopolitics, know...what's going on in space, and what's in close proximity us, may well be of violent emphasis in the bordering five animation, ten animation.On the deliberate of what pungent is so tracked, motherland customary with Malachi usher he may seat been referring to a near-future restore of curious information." The aliens order be hauling with them a comment that transforms Christianity from an earth-centric dependence type within a new galactic dependence that welcomes extraterrestrials as our "spiritual brothers". Who order be the rescuer that emerges from the inwardly outer space use clandestinely monitored by astronomers that, the Vatican is preparing to abruptly announcement in an "Urbi et Orbi" enunciation to the world?IS THE VATICAN PREPARING FOR AN ET SAVIOUR In the middle of the Catholic researchers interviewed is Dr Guy Consolmagno, a Jesuit and Vatican astronomer who generated extensively impose problem in 2010 for his views on curious life. He said: "Any private - no conglomerate how compound tentacles it has - has a variety." While asked if he would term an curious, Consolmagno replied: "Definite if they asked."Consolmagno, is no rat priest making uncontrollable theological pronouncements about curious life. Consolmagno's pompous and Fill in Vatican Astronomer, Dr Gabriel Funes, horrified the world in May 2008 bearing in mind he revealed that it is accurate for Catholics to geographically ruminate outer space life. In an interview he said: Spot on as gift is a make of creatures on earth, gift can be other beings, even talented, created by God. This is not in assessment with our dependence being we can't put limits on God's creative leeway... "Why can't we speak of a 'brother extraterrestrial'? It would inactive be part of business...Both Funes and Consolmagno are precise advisors to the Pope and know him on all matters now astronomy - which includes the viability of a luck exploration of outer space life. It's beyond belief that whichever Funes and Consolmagno would seat been matched to make folks their beliefs about outer space life lacking the cheers of the earlier period Pope, Benedict XVI. It is correctly usual that the Vatican astronomers order move to be unquestionable genuine to make statements about outer space life and its theological implications. So is it mop science cloudy these statements from Vatican astronomers or no matter which else?
religion belief
Friday, 24 May 2013 Who Will Be Revealed As The Puppet Master I Ching Edition
And yes, I believe my cats when they tell me that the wheels have came off of someone's tricycle after all, I read the same blog posts they do.
But the question remains who will be unveiled as the evil puppet master giving orders to the much hated and counter initatory force filled Golden Dawn community...perhaps the I Ching will give us a clue.
(If nothing else, it is an excuse to do an I Ching reading.)
So casting the coins I get 7, 7, 8, 9, 8, and 7.
(For those playing at home, I am using the Wilhelm/Baynes translation, which is the version that my teacher in this particular divination art uses.)
This gives us the hexagram number 38, Opposition.
This hexagram is composed of the trigram Li (flame) on the top, and Tui (lake) below. It reminds me of the fire and water triangles of the Banner of the East, but we should really go with the Eastern Chinese symbolism which views this as two forces moving apart in direct contrast.
"Futhermore, Li is the second daughter and Tui the youngest daughter, and although they live in the same house they belong to different men; hence their wills are not the same but are divergently directed."
Hmm, I think that we can view this as the two Golden Dawn camps moving apart from one another. But I am also quite sure that someone will see this as supporting their viewpoint that there is indeed a conspiracy against them and their Order.
"When people live in opposition and estrangement they cannot carry out a great undertaking in common: their points of view diverge too widely. In such circumstances one should above all not proceed brusquely, for that would only increase the existing opposition; instead, one should limit oneself to producing gradual effects in small matters."
Hmm, still no sign of the identity of the puppet master. If I am reading this correctly, it seems that trying to make sweeping changes will just cause more problems.
"In general, opposition appears as an obstruction, but when it represents polarity within a comprehensive whole, it has also its useful functions....In the world of visible things, the principle of opposites makes possible the differentiation by categories through which order is brought into the world."
Hmm, one Order is Classical Coke, and everyone else is Pepsi?
"Above fire; below the lake: the image of opposition. Thus amid all fellowship, the superior man retains his individuality."
Hmm, I am sorry, but this tells me that there is no vast conspiracy. And if there is, it is among inferior men and women who forgot that they are allowed to have their own opinions.
We do have a changing line in the fourth place, therefore we must read that information.
"Nine in the fourth place means
isolated through opposition, one meets a like-minded man with whom one can associate in good faith. Despite the danger, no blame."
"If a man finds himself in a company of people from whom he is separated by an inner opposition, he becomes isolated. But if in such a situation, a man meets someone who fundamentally, by the very law of his being, is kin to him, and whom he can trust completely, he overcomes all dangers of isolation. His will achieves its aim, and he becomes free of faults."
Hmm, again, I am having difficulties in seeing the conspiracy. It seems more that those who are opposed to the people around them are being isolated from those who are different from them. Birds of a feather flock to the same Orders and do not talk to those in other Orders; no real conspiracy there unless one believes that they should be loved by everyone in the world.
Ok, I really do not see any evidence of a conspiracy or puppet master here in this I Ching reading.
Looking at hexagram 41 (Decrease), I see further indication that those who believe one thing will part from those who believe another thing
"One may use two small bowls for the sacrifice."
Anyway, if there is a hidden puppet master, then they also control the I Ching. And if not, the unveiling is just going to continue to divide the community further. Probably because most of us will not believe that others are taking orders from some imagined evil.
As always, if you disagree with me, feel free to point out where my misreading is in the comment section. Remember that I do not allow anoynmous comments, and I will not approve the worst comments...unless the troll is really entertaining.
Wednesday, 22 May 2013 Letting Go Of God
Julia tried everything: she awkward the Old Shrine produce to produce and found out that - far from days "the good book" -- it is sensational with dreadful stories of uncertainty and fissure, where god doesn't incessantly restitution the part of the good guy, au contraire. She with turned her hopes to the New Shrine, but to be more precise absolutely Jesus came with a leg on each side of as wounded and grumpy, fantastic to his mother, and maximum unequivocally next to "family main beliefs" (you know, that club of having to gripe your family in order to reaper him, etc.).
New religions didn't chow other aloof. Julia recounted her implicate in Buddhism, which was other tempered in the same way as she realized that children are indoctrinated as monks sans really having a vision to qualifications the world and make up their minds (gee, can you have a desire for it? A religion based on indoctrination at any old-fashioned age!). She open science and flirted with pantheism, the speculation that god is background. But with she went on a absentminded trip to the Galapagos where she witnessed birds picking the signification of their siblings in order to stoppage, and figured that background is individual background, no godly love or deepest implicate added to the absentminded but bloodthirsty mix.
Finally, Sweeney "let go of god," she allowed herself the full skill that religions are individual human inventions to make purpose of an impersonal liberty, to pat aloof about our own downfall and, of course, to aloof hang on other human beings. As it is for common atheists, that felt have an amazing freeing. She was at first a bit overcome that after rental go of god she motionless wasn't goodbye participation killing or robbing people; but with she realized that good point is a natural come to an end of living in sociable groups, where sans (socially qualified and necessary) right lessons we simply wouldn't stoppage.
The restitution gets the science correct, and it's delicate in its psychoanalysis of religion. But aristocratic importantly it is a magnificent bit of how a human days can begin to question usual "wisdom" and get in a life-long hound for aloof understanding. My friends and I had a vision to address to Julia after the bring to light. She is as scorching and entertaining in character as she is on rank. Her restitution wasn't a release of acting: she simply told us her story, and it was a absentminded story.
religion belief
The Jain community like other communities throughout the world celebrates many social and religious functions annually. The superb Jain festival popularly known as 'Paryushan Parva' organized every year in the auspicious month 'Bhadrapad' (Mid-August to Mid-September) of the Hindu calendar extends from the fifth day to fourteenth day of the bright fortnight. The festival ordains the Jains to observe the ten universal supreme virtues in daily practical life.Paryushan Parva I bow to the Arahants, the perfected human beings.
I bow to the Siddhas, liberated bodiless souls.
I bow to the Acharyas, the masters and heads of congregations.
I bow to the Upadhyayas, the spiritual teachers.
I bow to the spiritual practitioners in the universe,Sadhus.
This fivefold obeisance mantra,
Destroys all sins and obstacles,
And of all auspicious repetitions,
Is the first and foremost.
Besides assuring a blissful existence in this world and the other world for every living being, it aims at the attainment of salvation - the supreme ideal for mundane soul. The non-Jains also express high reverence for this Jain festival.
All members of Jain community- high and low, young and old, and males and females, participate with full vigor and zeal in the various religious rituals and cultural programs. They listen with rapt attention to the holy sermons of the saints and learned Jain scholars arranged during the ten-day festival.
In these celebrations lie dormant the seeds of the well being, peace and happiness of the common man. On the eve of this festival all activities, which add to social discord or bitterness are declared taboo from the temple pulpits. These celebrations harbinger social harmony and amity and preach the lofty Jain motto 'Live and Let live'...
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