Thursday 26 June 2014 April Meeting Clay Goddess Making

April Meeting Clay Goddess Making
April's All-Coven meeting included both Coven of Midnight's Flame members as well as the members of our sister coven, Twilight Spiral. Several times a year, we try to meet up with them for ritual or a meeting. This month, we came together to socialize and catch up, but also made goddess statues, based on the Venus of Willendorf, out of air-drying clay. The craft was an enjoyable and fun bonding activity, and we were all delighted to see the different goddess that each sister made. At our meeting, we were also joined by two students from Loyola Marymount, who were visiting us to gather information for a paper on Wicca that they were writing for their Religions of America class. We all had a very stimulating conversation as we went around the circle, answering their questions and giving our personal opinions about various aspects of Wicca. As always, we were thrilled to host our Twilight Spiral sisters, and we are overjoyed to see both Midnight's Flame and Twilight Spiral continue to grow in light and love. Blessed Be!
