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NAMES - TWO-SCHNEUss - THREE-SCHNEUss - FOUR-SCHNEUssFor instance FRIEDRICH BERNHARD MARBY SAYS, THEY BELONG TO THE RUNE-ALLEGORIES Vivid THE Impulse OR Revolve. LITERALLY: " This is not purely the top with the swastika. Put forward are movement-symbols, that gaudiness 2-12 so-called hooks or feet. The unusual, old names were: two-Fos, three-Fos, four-Fos, etc or two-foot, three-foot, four-foot, five-foot etc - now, that each one has hooks, they taking into consideration on in addition understood in order to camouflage: Hooks, considerably of: Heels, aspire previously: Discharge considerably of the original: Fos. The choice the " Christian " church strove to injure and shine the judicious, the choice they had to suppression themselves and they had to suppression their knowledge in the " Kalander-language ", that fitting compassionate the bits and pieces other names, unsettled the names. And so Kalander-Sprache (kalen = speaks, ander = occurrence). That's how it became Fos = root, (root) heels = hooks and these alterations were to poster top figure visibly with the especially symbol, with the four-Fos or as it is called today: Swastika. Amid the other with " Fos " timely symbols the old provisions remained, aspire for section Tuefos, Trifos,Femfos, Sexfos (or two-fos, three-fos, five-fos, six-fos, etc.). The same as the Germanic buildings, whose masters, authority sweat and apprentices had the purely proper fragment, aspire just the once a Roman pope articulated himself, they were the purely ones certified to build the Christian churches ( for example or else the commonplace constructions would clutch been choice fastidious than the churches). - This grace is called, that the Germanic buildings might use up when about 1150, the " Gothic grace ".It is the grace, that reminds of the unusual church of the ancient Germans, of the minster of the forest, in its unaffectedness, nature-loving-ness and dexterity. In this grace worldly beings and soul are stretching themself, coming loose themself from the weight of the kit, to the nirvana, upwards to God ! By, the ancient Germans had in addition built churches facing, in addition in the so-called " Romance grace ", and in addition quicker than the entrance of the Rome- church. Otherwise 6000 lifetime formerly that our calendar became binding, a wood-church stood on the lay down, on which the Sense minster stands today.In Germany and the in the vicinity countries represent were in addition churches built in the so-called Romance grace and built from stones for a inclination time formerly the strong introduction of the Christian experience. - The grace of the so-called " renaissance " penetrated from Italy in the 15 th. Century of our modern calendar. In this grace, the priestly reason-stand, that has found its purest aeration in the Gothic churches and cathedrals, is flummoxed a stand that avoids each tightness and connects the earth and tune, soul and spirit, worldly while and God together. In the timbering of the houses, aspire in addition in the church-constructions and clearing halls, that the Germanic buildings clutch built, we find the symbols of the true way to God, the symbols of the world, the nature and the life, in the tracery aspire in all parts of these constructions as " jewelry ". I bring some examples for it: The two-foss the two-schneuss Gravel Uranus The Trifoss the three-schneuss Gravel Saturn The four-foss the four-schneuss Gravel Jupiter Then, one finds the five-schneuss, the six-schneuss etc. These statistics join to the two-fos(add up to 2, sphere Uranus) that Trifos (add up to 3, sphere Saturn) the Vierfos (add up to 4, supervision, sphere Jupiter) the Femfos (add up to 5, sphere Mars). The Sexfos (add up to 6, sphere sun) etc. The three illustrations gaudiness the right-spin. In these tracery-signs the left-spin can in addition be found ever-present. Now we cry the free space of the symbols named finer " fish-blister " or " Schneusse ". The word "fish-blister" betrays the suppression once more. The life-size word is Schneusse. That is in addition how the Schneussen (existing in the allegories mentioned formerly) separate off the tension-fields in the position *). Choice type of runic symbols are 1. the three-pass - 2. the four-pass - 3. the five-pass the six-pass, the seven-pass etc. You can find these symbols on and in Gothic constructions as signs of the old Germanic philosophy and religion and what's more abundant times in coats of arms with the actual meaning-basis. Then these symbols, in which the Schneussen are linked with resistance, so that qualified plants growth, in fact the three-pass as shamrock, the four-pass as any be radiant, the five-pass as five-leaved rose, the six-pass as six-flaky rose etc up to the twelve-flaky rose, in the west-front of the churches, or the l6flaky (old rune-number) rose or the 18-flaky (Wodans rune-number) rose or as 24-flaky (in addition a rune-number) rose, can be found. Consistently and ever-present, the rose tells about the understand of the explode and the saintly generation ". Sources: F.B. Marby 'Der germanische Einweihungsweg pages 57 - 60 Reprint in the Spieth Verlag