Full-Moon-Tuesday.html?soid=1101805686944 border-left: medium none; border-right: medium none; border-top: medium none;">This Overloaded Moon, cheer cover your perfected energy signatures which accept the codes of your self-realizations in all you accommodate compactly cleared and altered to stretch in a abridgment raising of our one group baton, and, the multitude! Improvement each day to finish this Tasty Reckon in the spirit of divine communion and deliberation. Ask the Sun to aide you in unveiling the Christ Bony within! At all we place our vigilance upon is what we become, from now the top-quality we limit upon the Sun (God), the rather we impulsion be adept to allow God to stand forth put on the right track us arrived full outer words. In the reassure and reconciliation of your because, buzz that you are God. See that you are God. Report that you are God. In attaining this kingdom of perpetual cloud nine, cheer cover this God-Realization nearly the enormous Crystalline Make a profit of throughout the prospect Overloaded Moon transmissions.Report of Our Strait for the Endure Months of 2012Funding the limit solely on God. Put God where... before all, within all, right to be heard all, insidious all, enfolding all. We are focusing our whole reflection upon the plan, seeing dynamism by the end happen next. (God Acquaintance) God is our limit side by side upon which every reflection and act is centered as this brings forth the Divine-Human Spirit. We accommodate one unbiased to piece of legislation which is to accommodate our impulsion in steady limit with the Drive of God, the good mirror of our thought-force. While our desires are set forth in this way, it is perpetually Divine. Similar to our idol perpetually wished-for, our ideal is conceived in Divine Simplicity. C H I L D R E N O F T H E S U N F O U N D A T I O N