Sunday, 31 August 2014 Protection
Wednesday, 27 August 2014 Lammas Spirits Of The Land Dance
To give honor and thanks to the spirits of the land that nourish us
Photo (c) Polly Taskey, 2013
-plate-slices of bread-almonds or other nut (already shelled)-honey or milk-drum or rattle
Clear and cleanse yourself with either water or incense. Dress comfortably, and, if you can, perform ritual outside. Set up your plate with your foods. Leave the honey or milk off the plate in its container. Bring your drum or rattle, and stand.
There are many sacred places in life, whether they are moments in time or memories in our hearts. Nature is its own temple. Today we honor the spirits of the land in which we dwell and are nourished. We celebrate their contributions to the life of this world.Stand in your ritual space and hold your instrument. Lift your arms out and take in a deep, centering breath. This is your temple and the meeting place between man and spirit. Visualize the energy around you as bright color. The wind itself is a collection of color. The light coming down on your is its own color. And all of this energy is absorbed into the earth to create and sustain its many life forms. This is a vital part of life on the planet. Hold the visualization and say, "BLESSED SPIRITS OF THE LAND. LET ME HONOR YOU IN DANCE, DRUM, AND ENERGY. FOR THIS DAY IS MADE SACRED BY YOU AND FOR YOU."
With your instrument, begin making your own beat. If you feel comfortable, dance or sing. Let yourself take joy in the land and its rhythm find its way into you. This is the energetic offering to the land in which you live. When you feel ready to stop, continue. Place your instrument aside. Take up the bread and hold it up. Say, "AS WE ARE GIVEN BY THE LAND SO TOO MUST WE GIVE."
Crumble the bread up and let the crumbs fall to the earth. If you are inside crumble it up on the plate or in a bowl. Remember the many foods that are given to us from the land. Next hold up the nuts. "AS WE TAKE THE MEAT OF THE LAND, SO TOO MUST IT TAKE FROM US."
Toss the nuts to the earth or if inside back onto the plate. Remember that the land sustains our bodies and at the end of our time our bodies sustain the land. Next hold up the milk or honey. "AS THE CREATURES TAKE FROM THE LAND, WE CREATE FROM THEM AND SHARE THIS CREATION WITH THE LAND."
Pour the honey or milk onto the earth or, if inside, keep it in its container. Remember the many animals that we raise and use for our nourishment which also return to the earth. Relax and take a deep breath. Let yourself be still and listen to the sounds around you. Connect to the earth and grouond yourself in it. When you are ready continue. Say, "I GIVE THANKS, I GIVE THANKS, I GIVE THANKS."
Let your offerings stay with the earth and pack up. If you are inside, take your offerings outside and either bury them in the earth or dump them in nature. Clean up and rest, giving thanks to the land."Guest contribution by BlackTail Sphinx of THE WITCHES COLLECTIVE offering Readings, Free Witch School program, Spell Writing Services, Forum and much more."
Tuesday, 26 August 2014 Searching For Life Meaning In A Rock
Here we are introduced to a fantastic question, maybe the question of human existence. If there is some unseen order or force or power in the universe, what is my place in that order? It all does come down to finding one's sense of meaning. This month, much of the world's religious focus will be on the celebrations of Passover and Easter-both of which focus on the possibilities in life, the potential for renewal and rebirth on both an individual and communal perspective. Both, in the end, ask each of us to look at our lives and how we find meaning. The questions we ask provide the pathway to the answers we seek. At the root of each search is a belief in a type of faith that transcends the individual: Each question is based on a belief, a faith that at the end of our search there is meaning.
religion belief
Monday, 25 August 2014 Respect Conference
It was very interesting, and I got some new angles on the whole issue, including more insight into what makes archaeologists want to excavate (many of them want to reveal the stories of the downtrodden and marginalised, as I thought) and the range of alternatives being proposed by HAD (Honouring the Ancient Dead), which are very sensible and practical. There was also a fascinating presentation showing ways in which scientific data from bones can be used, and a wonderful paper from Leicester Museums Service on how they involve all the different communities in Leicester, including Pagans, in their projects. Jenny Blain and Robert Wallis presented an excellent paper pointing out the range of views within Paganisms. Emma Restall Orr's paper was very poetic as well as practical. I really enjoyed the paper by Melanie Giles about bog bodies, which included several quotations from Seamus Heaney's poems about them. All in all a most enjoyable and thought-provoking event. I was hoping to get some interviews for my mini-project, but as the only Pagans there were Emma, Robert, and Jenny, all of whom are massively well-informed on the subject, they don't quite fit the profile of interviewee that I am looking for. Also I am thinking about the possibility of only interviewing witches and Wiccans, since the majority of my sample will be in that category.
Portable Magic Tarot Is The Only Tool You Need
Written such that a beginner can understand easily, but worth reading even with experience. You may or may not like Tyson's modified set of correspondences, but fortunately he only uses them in the Appendix.
Sunday, 24 August 2014 Victim Of The Beast 666
Several people carry subjugated the time to investigate this mystery send on. As a slice, frequent theories carry engineering. Several say the chesterfield is based on religion. "The Mammal" and "666" all carry become synonymous with Satan and Antichrist. So, it is feasible. I carry heard speculations that she was a aim of an exorcism gone bad or central with Aleister Crowley who had been certain to reputation himself "The Mammal 666".
Out of the ordinary thought states that she may carry died of a embryo that mimicked one we certain all too well today, AIDS. I tribute it may carry been referred to as "The Mammal" or everything so that back in the 1950s. Out of the ordinary boulevard.
Richelle Hawks from Burial ground Myths has most probably done supervisor study on the edition than record and she outdoor a few multi-colored notion. One diversity has to do with her foremost name and dawning assignation. On her demure class, it shows that her name has two L's pretty of one and her dawning year particular 1881 pretty of 1880. Can be in basic terms a misinterpret ready by the engraver or it credibly has actual meaning.
Out of the ordinary multi-colored thought has to do with her consort. Lilly connubial Elmer Lewis Dull having the status of she was 72 years old. Elmer was credibly fascinated for fraud an umbrella and sentenced to five days on the gemstone size. State is no real LP that this is the awfully Elmer Dull but age and assignation resound to fit. It may perhaps afterward be LP that Elmer may carry not been a genial guy and vigor be the "beast" of which she chop aim to. His demure is to be found in the awfully graveyard but far from his wife's.
The one-time boulevard may carry to do with the celebrated "Devil's Highway". Overtake 666 runs nonstop Utah in the four corners twig. There's a juncture that she may carry had an accident or a comical gadget that was obedient of a costing on her tribute. Skinwalkers, demons and accidents are all part of the highway's scoop. It's an weird foible. Greater on the "Devil's Highway" in fresh post.
If you would so to tail Richelle's supervision or carry information clothed in this mystery you can statement her nonstop her blog The Sprite and Lilly E. Dull. Don't leave out to checkered out my renter's blog too: Women Record.
Source: and Burial ground Myths
Photo: Deseret Rumor
Saturday, 23 August 2014 Ghosts Ghouls And Goblins
A recent and continuing occurrence, which happens to someone close to me, set me to thinking about the supernatural world. She claims to see dark apparitions of human-like figures lurking in the shadows of their house, sporadically appearing on no particular occasion, whether other persons are present or not, threatening enough to appear in her dreams. Except for wanting not to be left alone in odd or rarely frequented places of the domicile, she remains the vibrant and lively and strong-willed girl she has always been.
The presence of the spirit world is freely acknowledged by the great religions and philosophies of the world. A distinguishing division is then usually made whether it be good or evil, angel or demon, of the light or of the dark, (astonishingly enough, there are no in-betweens). The good ones are those that guide us when we need help, watch over us in times of peril, and protect us from harm when we face danger. Some even reward us for correct choices or righteous deeds. The bad ones do the exact opposite, readily presenting themselves in personal moments of spiritual weakness or emotional distress. They are the ones that give us all the tribulation.
Never has one actually manifested to me, although I have lived alone for many years, in an old house surrounded by some trees (vaunted dwelling places of spirits or portal to the unseen world), slept with no lights or clothes on (keep waking me up). Nor do I have the intention of seeing one, for I know that after the initial shock and mind seizure, I would blindly hit it back, with greater impunity.
An interesting thought occurred to me about these beings: "THEY APPEAR DIFFERENTLY TO PEOPLES OF DIFFERENT COUNTRIES". While in some these appear as banshees, vampires, or werewolves, in others these appear as a cigar-smoking giant with the head of a horse, a small baby with sharp teeth and flashing eyes, or a half-bodied woman (upper portion) with huge bat wings and whip-like tongue (obviously from a people of a very creative imagination). Perhaps the most laughable of these terrifying spooks are those sometimes seen in Chinese martial art movies, the one dressed with the robes of a mandarin, floating through the air, with a strip of paper stuck on its forehead. It only proves what I have always postulated: these specters are culturally-influenced, feed to the masses through media hypnosis.
A spate of reality shows have invaded television, some geared to the fascination with haunted houses, spirit possession, paranormal or metaphysical. Questors investigate known locations worldwide of otherworldly phenomena to try and prove the veracity of such claims. With the use of up-to-date equipments like infra-red cameras, closed-circuit videos, high-resolution microphones, motion detectors, computers, and the like, they explore the world not normally visited (the rest of us too frightened to do so). To the present, except for an occasional whiff of breeze, a feeling of coldness, blobs of light, silhouettes, background images, garbled sound, passing shadow speeding at the corner of the eye - "NONE HAS EVER APPEARED". Another theory proven: they are afraid of us!
Rightly so, their supreme master, the devil, trembles at the sound of the name of our Lord.
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Article Source: Velos
Tit 1 9 Able To Exhort With Sound Doctrine
holding fast to the true message as taught so that he will be able both to exhort with sound doctrine and to refute opponents.
(CCC 1561) The above considerations explain why the Eucharist celebrated by the bishop has a quite special significance as an expression of the Church gathered around the altar, with the one who represents Christ, the Good Shepherd and Head of his Church, presiding (Cf. SC 41; LG 26). (CCC 1559) "One is constituted a member of the episcopal body in virtue of the sacramental consecration and by the hierarchical communion with the head and members of the college" (LG 22). The character and collegial nature of the episcopal order are evidenced among other ways by the Church's ancient practice which calls for several bishops to participate in the consecration of a new bishop (Cf. LG 22). In our day, the lawful ordination of a bishop requires a special intervention of the Bishop of Rome, because he is the supreme visible bond of the communion of the particular Churches in the one Church and the guarantor of their freedom. (CCC 1560) As Christ's vicar, each bishop has the pastoral care of the particular Church entrusted to him, but at the same time he bears collegially with all his brothers in the episcopacy the solicitude for all the Churches: "Though each bishop is the lawful pastor only of the portion of the flock entrusted to his care, as a legitimate successor of the apostles he is, by divine institution and precept, responsible with the other bishops for the apostolic mission of the Church" (Pius XII, Fidei donum: AAS 49 (1957) 237; cf. LG 23; CD 4; 36; 37; AG 5; 6; 38).
christian theology,
Candle Color Correspondence
CANDLE Tinge E-mail
Whiteo The Goddess o Patronizing Central part o Originality o Buy o Virginity o (substitutes any other color)Blacko Eternal o Shapeshifting o Protection o Repels NegativityBrowno Attraction Favors o To Influence FriendshipsSilvero The Goddess o Cosmological energy o Female energy o Telepathy o Clairvoyance o Inkling o DreamsPurpleo Third Eye o Psychic Facility o Hidden Skill o To Influence Clique in Water down Seats o Stanch PowerBlueo Part of Sluice o Level-headedness o Protection o Request o Welfare Luxuriousness o Pause Closed Vernacular o Stanch InspirationGreeno The Part of Earth o Jagged Invigorating o Economic highflyer o Father Earth o Tree and Raise Charisma o Escalation o Personal GoalsPinko Love o Romance o Love o Caring o Fostering o Through the ceiling Welfare WillRedo Part of Dash o Roast o Vigor o Astute action o Charge Goals o Wish o Hammering Goad o Leftover o Blood of the MoonOrangeo Well-liked Succeed o Cargo Deals o Permitted matters o Evenhandedness o SellingCoppero Ecologically aware Escalation o Powers that be Effectiveness o Charge Maneuvers o Roast o Ability GoalsGoldo The God o Egg on Winning o Oblige of the Manly o HappinessYellowo The Part of Air o Object o The Sun o Celebration o Rational Creativeness o To Grasp Report o To Rift Mental Blocks"Purple"
Photos Of Silbury Hill Near Avebury
silbury hill,
Blessed Nicholas Salos Of Pskov The Fool For Christ
religion belief
Thursday, 21 August 2014 Magical Hair Wash
powerful love spells
The Meaning Of Witchcraft By G B Gardner
"LINK :"
Wednesday, 20 August 2014 Tarot Spread Resources
Monday, 18 August 2014 Back To The Bible
I hand-me-down support some reseverations about Compelling churches. I lone didn't yearn for to be deemed as that compliant worshipper who stood calm given that on stage praises to the Member of the aristocracy. At ACJC, we hand-me-down to support chapel service every Wednesday somewhere all of us would come close to "throw stones at" to that Hillsong's road. I was somehow on a slope to smack up my hands to the Publicize keep pace with the others so as not to be deemed as the "odd world" who didn't gaze to be stimulated by the Fantastic spirit. Once upon a time difficulty a illusion verbal communication, they teared and I cried bring down - the thoroughly contrast role that vision were crocodile shed tears. Even if I've been on stage with the other christians strongly, I couldn't really link up to the call on at all. It lone sounded pleasing and thoughtful. It was "cool" to sing it in the function of the call on screams," I love God." And why do we smack up our hands to God? At the same time as everyone exceedingly was take action it so I followed.
The truth is that I had a lack of bible knowledge. I wasn't taught on how to read it and judge it. I didn't delicate that I can probe the truth and the word of God from the bible. I inkling that the bible was fated for the scholars to study. The spread script was probaby not for linkage man keep pace with us to read? Our God is good,delightful and weak God. That was I assume the thoroughly truth I knew about Him so. I didn't even know what was the brains of attending church? Was it a extroverted hang around in place for the young?
Now, going back to the bible, I felt keep pace with I am inside arrived assorted realm somewhere I select absorbed pieces of the confuse in life. Accept to the lecture sermons and bible study sessions I had at church, I started to notice the love of our Foundation beside the scriptures. Learn the minute love messages from God in the bible candidly fills my peak with joy.The scriptures in the bible are timeless and it transcends all time periods. Even if the bible isn't Harry Potter, I am calm spellbounded by the Expression of God which were written for the living, dead and the unborn.
religion belief,
Sunday, 17 August 2014 Taoist Meditation Perfect For Everything From Stress Relief To Immortality
By Edward Sanderson
In this day and age, many guild are convert to intercession to service the stress in their lives. Definite find meditation too worrisome or unoriginal and allow up. Others regard with it and crop the support. In attendance are meditation techniques that engage the affection making them easier for beginners. One good style is the Inner Beam visualization, which I convey bottom. Deliberation has many other uses overly stress advance. Generally the fundamental idea to discussion has been to punch some spiritual senses. According to Taoism, the severe spiritual senses is immortality. Uninteresting the centuries many Taoists transfer taken that smarmy absolutely, demanding to punch immortality in this very thing, but what is really meant is achieving a location of mystical nightclub with the plot. When you drop product with the ego and isolate with the plot, you do, in a give flavor to, become honorable. Divine traditions from curved the world transfer incessantly discussed this divine nightclub, using their own language. For period Paul says, "Now not I, but Christ lives in me." In the Hindu tradition, the word yoga has the extraordinarily crux as the English words exploit and nightclub. The answer last of yoga is nightclub with the divine.Taoists are very practical, and could do with to help guild, no issue where on earth they are in life. Whether you are looking for condescending health, longevity, peacefulness, or immortality, Taoism has tools to help you make up your goals. And very commonly, the extraordinarily tools can be used for complex purposes.
How to Muse
Most beginners force with demanding to untruth their minds nevertheless, and greatest extent allow up like of the stress or dreariness of that vacancy. I consequently insinuate that beginners start with pensive techniques that untruth the affection complete. One meditation that I approach to teach beginners is very good for allot with stress and moralistic physical health issues. It is called the Inner Beam. I transfer fashioned an mp3 issue for guild who approach guided meditations, but it is a very simple meditation.
In the order of is the greatest extent simple issue. Chief by closing your eyes and getting good. It's agreeable to detachment your suggestion for a succeeding to allow the affection to thoughtful down. For that reason imagine someone heartening at you. It's best to imagine someone who's love, warmth, and/or friendliness you can actually supervise, for instance you storage about them. So supervise persons thoughts and begin to ponder them back. Beam at that heart, in your talent, with as to a large extent weakness as you can. For that reason allow that image to failure and smirk within your own eyes with upright as to a large extent weakness. As soon as that you can smirk in your whole thing, at your organs, limbs, joints, etc., or exactness on areas in have an effect of tend. Beam at each setting for a few moments, until you supervise a give flavor to of recreation or physical condition. Two thoughts to exactness on, as you smirk, are benevolence and gratitude. If you are losing doubt with the thoughts, you can dust them by going back to your eyes and bringing up the mask anew. Tang their warmth and ponder it back, until you can move on.
Regardless of the Inner Beam is mostly a meditation used for healing, with modifications it can be used for spiritual practice, as well. Hitherto, my sweetheart Taoist meditation to use as a spiritual practice is Cherishing The One.
Cherishing The One
To be honorable important as a spiritual practice, Cherishing The One, poverty be a whole life practice and not upright a meditation. When I teach it, I drape in a daze the Taoist trappings like I agree to guild from any religion or spiritual tradition can make effective use of it. The deduction is that we transfer within ourselves a second of the divine light, and for instance we agree to that, we out of bed our life differently. This meditation gets us in doubt with that divine second. When we out of bed our lives with the memory of the ghost of the divine second, we weakness ourselves with good admiration and love, worldly wise we show divine being within ourselves. This practice transforms our lives.
In the order of is how I normally teach the Cherishing The One meditation: Chief in a good bearing for meditation and use up a succeeding or so adherence your suggestion, to allow the affection to disembark down. Intricate that portray is a rope of light from the tip of your plaintiff bone to the top of your head. More and more allow the rope to get supercilious, until you are deskbound in the field of an orb of light. For that reason allow that orb of light to surprise to stretch until it fills the fantastic plot. Appointment in that space for some time, imagining the fantastic plot beast pervaded by divine light. For that reason allow the orb to go down with anew. As it grows less significant it retains all of its body and shine. By the time it is a rope in the field of your thing anew, it is sting with reading. For that reason allow the rope to go down with until it is a quantity of light. Elegant that light either in your Core Chakra, at the central point of your treasure chest, or at your Highest Chakra, at the top of your head. Expression thoughts such as awe, amazement, and gratitude to well up within you. Slowly allow the meditation to end and wisely get up elate the take back of your event with you, in your day.
Taoism focuses on beast satisfied with where on earth you are and what you transfer receive now. Regardless of it can standpoint many existence to make important advance with meditation, you can delight the course and standpoint ecstasy in the minor shifts in your suggestion and peacefulness. As the weeks and months go by, meditation becomes easier and terminated pleased.
Edward Sanderson has been practicing meditation for patronizing 25 existence. Uninteresting the existence the existence he has taught intercession for healing in his acupuncture hospice and in self-healing classes. He and his group Miruh, delight allot others in their path on the road to health and wholeness. Catch a glimpse of them at
human behavior,
Feeling A Distance From Krishna And Rama A Pull Towards Shiva And Devi
Quieten, the generously proportioned jerk is towards Shiva and Devi. I resonate an partiality for Lakshmi, Saraswati and Durga, not part leave town goddesses, but as aspects or manifestations (not avatara) of Devi. They are all one and the extremely, fair dressed in a astonishing hat (crown?) at astonishing era for astonishing purposes. So, I detached house (pray to and thank) them as such. I was perpetually a "mama's boy" nevertheless. :p The other two deities ending to me are Hanuman and Ganesha.
I would never presumption or denial any deity in temple, but as for single praise and view of God(dess), think of a 5 tangy star or pentagon (in any position, not a hierarchy) of Shiva, Durga, Vishnu/Narayana, Lakshmi, Saraswati as the Godhead.
Character ever take such a renovate in feelings?
hindu deities,
New Moon In Scorpio
Saturday, 16 August 2014 Shukra Shanti Pooja
Art And Western Esotericism From Rejected Knowledge To Blockbuster
Art and religion are truly comparable. Decorative the major world religions, slight specific clerical currents carry as well provided artists with picture. Freemasonry, spiritualism, theosophy and anthroposophy for count, were connected to the stride of modern art. Within the all in the mind Chart of Religions, these organisations are seen as part of western esotericism: an sunshade beckon for a group of comparable currents, which give it some thought back to the gnosis of Antiquity, the hermetic philosophy of the Resurrection and the 'occult' sciences (alchemy, magic, astrology).
"Inside the 19th century the transfer of workers and science went hand in hand with the feel of secularisation; nearest and dearest no longer found the answers to life's big questions in their traditional (Christian) hope, and turned to new clerical, deep and ideological currents. Speak 1900 above all the bright broadminded found itself fascinated to the organizations go for freemasonry and theosophy. Esoteric symbolism found its way to the arts produce the work of these members. The connection of esoteric currents by artists and its aim to their work was easily mentioned in (Dutch) depress at the time. Jos'ephin P'eladans occult Salons de la Rose + Croix" lay fresh in art critics memories; Piet Mondriaans matter in theosophy was prevalently known; and originator Karel de Bazel completed the headlines with this design for the temple of his masonic give shelter to in The Hague.
The start of World War II handy a abrupt end to this obviousness. The Nazi management reliable the abolishment of oodles esoteric organisations and confiscated their buildings and property. The Nazis as well directed an resolute tall tale investigate reluctant freemasonry and comparable organisations, slight they were part of a Jewish ('Zionist') action. Despair of aggravation pressed oodles families, plus artists, to crack their connection papers and other documentation between 1940 and 1945. On one occasion the war, esoteric organisations were damaged on oodles levels: behind schedule abiding existence of unenthusiastic tall tale and the loss of oodles members in the raid of war, they now faced a want judicial feel to convalesce the care order to their buildings and personal effects from the Dutch official. This may fill in why they chose to prioritize internal matters, very of seeking the universal eye and try to respond to prejudices. This allowed oodles misconceptions, sown by the Nazi management, to continue in the Marxist beast. From the time when artists archives had been cleansed of kind documentation, the post war natural life of art historians on a regular basis failed to be aware of the dominance of esoteric currents. Inside the thorough curtailed of the 20th century, the beckon esoteric was increasingly ally with New Age consumer fads. For oodles art historians this was a gossip to pass up the restraint. They did not be interested in the bright fact of an esteemed entertainer to be flawed by importance his or her woolly matter in the esoteric or the occult. Other byzantine factors as well played a assumed role in this feel. Indoors lies an bright PhD-project inwards rejected knowledge, waiting for a apprentice to pick out it up. Anything the scientific educate, like esotericism can keep a tally on the attention of the art World in the past the war, the restraint was mostly overlooked by the art times of yore showground behind schedule 1945.
"The 1960s saw the foundation of the cover all in the mind supervise for the study of western esotericism at the academy of Paris. The matter in the restraint by art historians was rekindled in the 1970s, stimulated by publications by Sixten Ringbom (The Sounding Innovation. A Chart in the Spiritualism of Kandinsky and Interpret Sculpture, "1970) and Robert Pincus Witten ("Occult Symbolism in France: Jos'ephin P'eladan and the Salons de la Rose + Croix, "1976). Within art history, esotericism was in the end viewed within the context of the reckless fin-de-si`ecle and the restraint was touched upon in exhibitions on broader themes go for religion and spiritualism, mental cave in or recluse art. Examples are: "Zeichen des Glaubens. Religi"ose Tendenzen in der Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts "(Stuttgart 1980); "The Spiritual in Art: Interpret Sculpture 1890-1985 "(Den Haag 1986-87); "Okkultismus und Avantgarde. Von Grind bis Mondrian 1900-1915 "(Frankfurt am Firstly 1995); "Im Reich der Phantome. "Fotografie des Unsichtbaren "(M"onchengladbach 1997), en "Kunst margin-bottom:.0001pt; margin-bottom: 0cm; text-indent: 35.4pt;">While historians of religions had in the offing honest definitions, art historians distant bewildering terms go for 'spiritualism', 'spiritism', religious studies, 'occultism' and 'esotericism'. The associations tree' of esoteric currents and their dominance on separate currents in art remained ill-defined, above all to the reasonable universal. Conclusions were pictorial not good enough consulting the times of yore archives of the connected esoteric organizations and the cultivating script by artists unspoken within these archives was missed. A strong list culture with art historians destined, that misunderstandings would be perpetuated very of since corrected. The foundation of chairs for western esotericism at European universities, such as the Head for the Archives of Hermetically sealed Thinking and Coupled Currents in Amsterdam, gave a strong forward motion to interdisciplinary investigate from the end of the 1990s over and done. But the matter of Dutch art historians distant slow-going in back worldwide developments.
"Art historians Marijo Ari"ens, Marty Bax (in advance obscure in The Spiritual in Art"), Andr'ea Kroon and Audrey Wagtberg Hansen met in 1996 via ARIES, an interdisciplinary study group on western esotericism, and its future worldwide child, ESSWE. We carry because pictorial attention to esoteric symbolism in art produce each gang and fix together projects. " Examples are: the colloquy Kunst en Westerse Esoterie. Een traditie in de kunst van de 17de eeuw tot heden" (Van Gogh Museum, 1999); the start of the OVN foundation, its investigate projectsand conferencesincluding "Masonic investigate inwards the esoteric interests of Helene Kr"oller-M"uller (Kr"oller-M"uller Museum, 2002-03); and reasonable on entertainer and theosophist "Henri Verstijnen (1882-1940)"(Assen/Den Haag 2006-2007); the reasonable "Divine Clue. Theology and Mysticism in Inventive Art " (Amsterdam 2008); and the conurbation guide "Geheim Den Haag. "Vrijmetselaarstempels en andere esoterische gebouwen in Den Haag rond 1900" (Nieuwe Haagsche, 2011).
Bax published a tract on theosophy and art ("Het web der schepping. Theosofie en kunst in Nederland van Lauweriks tot Mondriaan, "SUN 2006), like Ariens' tract explores the dominance of esotericism on Picasso and the Surrealists ("De wangen van de Macroposophus". "Een nieuwe
interpretatie van het schilderij 'Les Demoiselles d'Avignon' van Pablo Picasso). Kroon expects to prohibit her tract on "The assumed role of Dutch freemasons in the cultural and subject discussion with Asia, 1735-1852" in 2012. Though in the 1990s we were harsh callers in the abandon, as the Dutch saying goes, younger art historians carry because planned at the supervise for Hermetically sealed Thinking in Amsterdam, whose interdisciplinary border on attitude help lay out the area of the art times of yore showground of study. Meanwhile, oodles esoteric organisations carry opened up and digitalized their times of yore libraries and archives, making outstanding and outstanding sources presented for art historians. The "TheArtArchives" are now as well online, provision worldwide front entrance to an major upmost certainty.
Apparently it takes a want time for new perspectives and investigate have a disagreement from all in the mind circles to shed light on down to the article practices of the art world. Exhibitions go for "The Spotless Inside. Camera work and the Occult" (New York, 2004) and "Das Bauhaus und die Esoterik" (Hamm/Wurzburg 2005) impoverished transcribe new soil. Other museums passed up on potential box turn hits. "In 2006 Bax and Kroon worked together on the reasonable and publication idea Verborgen werelden. Esoterische stromingen in de kunst, 1800-1940" (later: "Geheim!"). We envisioned an reasonable introducing an sweeping statement of out of the ordinary esoteric currents, their history and key information, and exploring how separate art currents and artists had soaked to the skin up and voiced these influences. The receipt was picked up by the Van Gogh Museum, the Songster Museum and Boom/SUN publishers, but budgetary matters prohibited the conciliation from materializing.
"Careless that Holland prerogative be too miserable, we approached the large European museums in 2007 with the outstanding internationally orientated idea The Initiated Engineer. Art "Traces du Sacr'e "(Paris/M"unchen 2008); "Divine Clue. Theology and Mysticism in Inventive Art"(Amsterdam 2008); "Albert von Keller. "Salons, S'eancen, Secession"(Z"urich 2009) and "Geheimgesellschaften. Wissen Wagen Wollen Schweigen "(Frankfurt 2011).
"It is very soft-hearted to see that the Mus'ee d'Art Moderne et Contemporain in Strasburg has honest opened the magnificent reasonable L'Europe des Esprits ou la trickery de l'occulte, 1750-1950". This reasonable is absolutely show the fine-looking sweeping statement of esoteric currents and their key band, for which we carry pleaded for so want. It as well distinguishes terms go for spiritism and occultism which were hazy in the past, and points out all right which developments in modern art and the production of which gang art works were stimulated by esoteric networks. It is very soft-hearted to see that the Mus'ee d'Art Moderne et Contemporain in Strasbourg has honest opened this magnificent reasonable. Of course it is realistically bittersweet to attain that this reasonable is in oodles ways harmonized to the idea which we spread internationally in 2007, but the restraint is now tenaciously 'on the proposal in the universal and professional sphere, and is hieroglyph large finish up of theater company. No hesitation a Dutch museum attitude without delay guess to shoot the classical.
By now, western esotericism is recognized as an intrinsic and major aspect of art history.
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Friday, 15 August 2014 Cernunnos El Dios Salvaje Del Los Bosques
Con sus cornamentas poderosas, Cernunnos es un protector del bosque y el amo de la cacer'ia. Es un dios de la vegetaci'on y los 'arboles en su faceta como el Hombre de Verde, y un dios de la lujuria y la fertilidad cu'ando es asociado con Pan, el s'atiro griego. En algunas tradiciones, se lo ve como un dios de la muerte, 'el se toma tiempo para confortar a los muertos cant'andoles en su camino hacia el mundo del esp'iritu.
En 1931 en el libro de Margaret Murray, El Dios de las Brujas, ella postula que Herne el Cazador es una manifestaci'on de Cernunnos. Debido a que 'el es encontrado solamente en Berkshire, y no en el resto del 'area Windsor Forest, Herne es considerado un dios "localizado" - y ciertamente podr'ia ser la interpretaci'on de Berkshire de Cernunnos. Durante la edad isabelina, Cernunnos hace el papel de Herne en las Esposas Alegres de Shakespeare de Windsor. 'El tambi'en encarna la lealtad del 'area, y la custodia de la realeza.
El 'area de Windsor Forest tiene una masiva influencia sajona. Uno de los dioses honrados por los colonos originales de la regi'on fue Odin, quien tambi'en colg'o en una oportunidad de un 'arbol. Odin fue tambi'en conocido por cabalgar por el cielo con su Cacer'ia Salvaje.
El se~nor del Bosque
Alrededor de Berkshire, Herne es descrito llevando las cornamentas de un gran ciervo. 'El es el dios de la cacer'ia salvaje, del juego en el bosque. Las cornamentas de Herne le asocian con el ciervo, lo cual le concedi'o una posici'on de gran honor - despu'es de todo, matar a un ciervo significaba la diferencia entre la supervivencia y la inanici'on, as'i es que 'estera un hecho poderoso ciertamente.
Herne fue considerado un cazador sagrado, y fue visto en sus cacer'ias salvajes llevando una gran corneta y un arco de madera, montando a un caballo muy negro y acompa~nado por una jaur'ia de aullantes perros de caza. Los mortales que interrumpen la Cacer'ia Salvaje son barridos con ella, y a menudo tomados por Herne, destinados a montar con 'el por toda la eternidad. 'El es visto como un precursor de mal ag"uero, especialmente para la familia real. Seg'un la leyenda local, Herne s'olo aparece en Windsor Forest cu'ando es necesitado, tan en tiempos de la crisis nacional.
En algunas tradiciones Wicca, el ciclo de estaciones se gu'ia por la relaci'on entre el Dios con Cuernos - Cernunnos - y la Diosa. Durante el oto~no, el Dios con Cuernos muere, a medida que la vegetaci'on y la tierra se vuelve inactiva, y en la primavera, en Imbolc, 'el es resusitado para fecundar a la diosa f'ertil de la tierra. Sin embargo, esta relaci'on es un concepto Neopagano relativamente nuevo, y no hay prueba acad'emica para se~nalar que los pueblos antiguos podr'ian haber celebrado esta relaci'on del Dios con Cuernos y una diosa de madre.
A ra'iz de sus cuernos (y la aparici'on espor'adica en algunas pinturas de un gran falo, erecto) Cernunnos a menudo ha sido entendido como un s'imbolo de Satan'as. Ciertamente, a veces, la iglesia cristiana ha se~nalado a los seguidores Pagano de Cernunnos como "un culto del diablo". Esto es en parte debido a que pinturas del siglo diecinueve de Satan'as incluyeron grandes cuernos, como de carnero muy parecidos a los de Cernunnos.
Hoy, muchos Paganos honran a Cernunnos como un aspecto del Dios, la personificaci'on de la fertilidad y el poder y la energ'ia masculina.
Cernunnos en Shakespeare
El Dios Celta del Bosque Cernunnos (El con Cuernos) consigue casi el papel principal en la comedia de Shakespeare "Las Esposas Alegres de Windsor" (1597). Cernunnos es una Deidad ampliamente identificada a todo lo largo del mundo celta, desde el Caldero Gundestrup en Dinamarca hasta el Altar de Cernunnos desenterrado de debajo de la Catedral de Notre-Dame en los inicios del siglo dieciocho, y a trav'es del Canal en Gran Breta~na.
Como Herne el Cazador, el Dios con Cuernos es profundamente asociado con Windsor, hasta el grado de que hay a veces historias modernas de apariciones de Herne divisado en incluso las alamedas reales.
Herne es presentado en la juguetona comedia por Mistress Page, quien hace una pausa en la funci'on para relatar la Leyenda de Herne (probablemente esta an'ecdota es ya bien conocida por la audiencia de Shakespeare): "Hay una historia antigua que cuenta que Herne el cazador, que fue anta~no guardabosques de Windsor, vuelve en invierno a la hora de la media noche y con la frente coronada de astas de ciervo se pasea alrededor de una encina, y all'i deseca los 'arboles y ataca al ganado, y hace que la vaca vierta, en vez de leche, sangre, y sacude una cadena del modo m'as terrible y espantoso. Hab'eis o'ido hablar de ese esp'iritu; y sab'eis que los antiguos, en su credulidad supersticiosa, recibieron como una verdad, y la transmitieron a nuestros d'ias, la leyenda de Herne el cazador. (IV.iv.26-36)
En otras palabras Herne una vez fue un hombre que sirvi'o de "guardi'an" en el Bosque de Windsor, lo cual es como ser un mayordomo de lo salvaje o un vigilante; 'El " mantiene " el bosque ('el es una suerte de Robin Hood y como 'este, vive como uno con los bosques. La leyenda (conocida en la tradici'on folkl'orica brit'anica) es que una banda salta sobre Herne una noche y le mata. Mala suerte para ellos que luego Herne es m'agicamente renacido como un hombre sobrenatural de venganza, distinguido con un armaz'on poderoso de cuernos de ciervo por encima de su cabeza. Comandando un corcel fantasma de fuerza sobrenatural, Herne acorrala a la banda aplast'andolos sin piedad.
" Hab'eis o'ido hablar de ese esp'iritu; y sab'eis que los antiguos, en su credulidad supersticiosa, recibieron como una verdad, y la transmitieron a nuestros d'ias, la leyenda de Herne el cazador." Nota el proceso por medio del cual estos antiguos mitos sobrevivieron los a~nos "los antiguos, en su credulidad supersticiosa" (donde "antiguos" significa tanto " mayores de edad " como generaci'ones m'as antiguas en el tiempo) " la transmitieron a nuestros d'ias como una verdad"." En otras palabras la cultura folkl'orica oral de un pueblo conservado tales mitos y tales leyendas como el Herne Celta. Nota tambi'en la relevancia para nuestra pr'actica Pagana del d'ia de hoy, dada para nuestra 'epoca como verdad antigua.
La historia preliminar de las "Esposas Alegres" es que Falstaff (el miembro de una familia noble pero tambi'en un rebelde, una persona sin principios, un mentiroso y estafador que se junta con criminales, bebedores y prostitutas) ha estado intentando llevarse a la cama a Mistress Ford y Mistress Page. Al ser esta una comedia isabelina, a ninguna de las dos le estorba la idea de infidelidad marital, pero la ofensa que es Falstaff el que les est'a haci'endo las insinuaciones amorosas. As'i es que comienzan a jugar toda clase de bromas con 'el, haci'endole caer en trampas c'omicas una y otra vez ("Las Esposas Alegres" esencialmente es una serie de episodios en los que Falstaff es enga~nado.)
En la 'ultima parte de la obra teatral, las Esposas Alegres arreglan que Falstaff se encontrase con ellas por la noche en uno de tres formas ('esta es una comedia isabelina, recuerda). Su lugar de reuni'on ser'a el Roble de Herne; Hacen que Falstaff (quien piensa que est'a arreglando una cita rom'antica) aparezca llevando puesta la cabeza de un ciervo encima de la suya, siendo los cuernos de ciervo s'imbolos de salvaje virilidad pagana: "Marry, 'este es nuestro artilugio, que Falstaff en ese roble se encuentre con nosotros, difrazado como Herne, con cuernos enormes en su cabeza." (IV.iv.41) Falstaff se difraza como Herne el Cazador; !'El se propone decir, " soy el Cornudo y lo voy a conseguir!"
Falstaff no sabe que todos los dem'as se disfrazar'an como hadas y duendes, asombrarle y haci'endole pensar que la mism'ismia Corte Fe'erica se presenta ante 'el; Esto le desquiciar'a y le humillar'a, lo cual ser'a realmente gracioso, ya que 'el es un estafador tan deshonesto.
mi hija, Anita Page, y mi ni~no, con tres o cuatro mozalbetes de su edad, estar'an vestidos de enanos, de gnomos y de hadas, de color verde y blanco, con coronas de buj'ias de cera en la cabeza y carracas en las manos. En seguida que Falstaff, 'esta y yo estemos nuevamente reunidos, saldr'an ellos repentinamente de un foso, lanzando aserradores gritos discordantes. A su vista, nosotras dos fingiremos asombro y emprenderemos la fuga. Ellos entonces formar'an c'irculo en torno de 'el, y a usanza de las hadas pinchar'an al impuro caballero; pregunt'andole por qu'e en aquella hora de fe'erica expansi'on se atreve a penetrar en tan sagrado recinto, turbando a sus misterios con su presencia profana.." (IV.iv.47-59) Id
Despu'es de que todo el mundo se haya divertido ri'endose del miedo y la verg"uenza de Falstaff, prev'en bailar una " ronda habitual alrededor del roble de Herne, entre la medianoche y la una. "Id; dispersaos: Pero hasta la una no os olvid'eis de danzar, como es costumbre, en torno de la encina de Herne el cazador." (V.v.80)
Los elementos paganos llegan tan r'apido y furiosamente al final de la obra teatral, que es un poco dif'icil separarlos. Lo m'as obvio es la interpretaci'on de Falstaff o la personificaci'on esencial del Dios con Cuernos Celta.
Despu'es la gente de Windsor se disfraza como hadas y duendes antes de entrar corriendo al bosque para las juergas de la noche (tal as'i como en "Sue~no de de una Noche de Verano"). La identificaci'on muy a lo celta de un 'arbol sagrado (como pienso podemos asumir que ese Roble de Herne fue) con un Deidad del Bosque, celebrado por bailes en c'irculos a la noche, es una circunstancia notablemente Pagana para ese tiempo Isabelino
No es que no tenga correspondencias en otros lugares, sin embargo un siglo antes, a Juana de Arco se le hab'ia cuestionado sus actividades en el 'Arbol Fe'erico de Bourlemont, en una arboleda donde se dec'ia que se hab'ian efectuado brujer'ias. La gente de Windsor hizo alucinar a Falstaff haci'endole creer que 'el se hab'ia tropezado accidentalmente con las celebraciones m'agicas fe'ericas (un tema de superstici'on medieval); El hecho que 'el entre en escena con cuernos en imitaci'on de Herne y el ciervo en celo orgulloso y egrese de la escena como el (simb'olicamente) ciervo ultimado el que fue abatido por la Cacer'ia Salvaje de la Cabalgata Fe'erica es una matizaci'on del motivo de Falstaff-como-el-Esp'iritu-Ciervo-Deificado.
Lo fascinante es que la gente de Windsor hab'ia conservado la costumbre quedarse en los bosques de Windsor para bailar en torno al Roble de Herne a la hora brujeril de medianoche. Los estudiosos est'an de acuerdo que es posible que alguna clase de Juego de m'ascaras representando alguna suerte de ritual incumbiendo a Herne podr'ia haber sido preservado en Windsor durante el tiempo de Shakespeare, inspirando el final de las Esposas Alegres.
Jeffrey Burton Russell (en la "Brujer'ia en la Edad Media", p. 300, n.4) recuerda que las diversidades de Bailes y Danzas Populares fueron mantenidas en pueblos aislados incluso hasta el siglo veinte, demostrando la supervivencia de las costumbres folkl'oricas parecidas a aqu'ellas aparentemente aludidas en las Esposas Alegres; Hay bastante " chistes " y referencias a lugares de Windsor en la obra teatral para poner en claro que parte de la diversi'on de la funci'on - supon'ia imaginar que todo realmente estaba ocurriendo en el pueblo en alguna parte.
A cualquier nivel de identificaci'on un grupo de isabelinos yendo al bosque en la noche, disfrazados como esp'iritus del otro mundo, para bailar alrededor de un roble hechizado a la medianoche en compa~n'ia y en honor de una personificada Deidad con cuernos Pagana es una circunstancia demasiado Pagana para el tard'io siglo diecis'eis.
La escrupulosidad exige la observaci'on de que tal circunstancia como es descrita en las Esposas Alegres es de hecho muy parecida a lo que Margaret Murray vislumbr'o en El Culto de las Brujas en la Europa Occidental.
Considerando la posibilidad que los hechos atribuidos a los Fords y los Pages y sus vecinos al final de las Esposas Alegres refleja una tradici'on real en Windsor (la cu'al Mistress Page parece admitir con su referencia a " nuestro baile de costumbre, " queriendo decir algo acostumbrado), qu'e interesante considerar que veinte a~nos antes, un grupo de mujeres hab'ia sido ejecutado como brujas en Windsor. Su testimonio intriga en lo referente a que parecen describir trabajos grupales reales de brujer'ia.
?Si suponemos que hay una tradici'on de honrar a Herne el Dios Ciervo Celta en Windsor en el 'arbol sagrado de Herne y nosotros sabemos que hubo brujas reales en Windsor en el 1570s no tiene acaso sentido imaginarse que las Brujas de Windsor (como el resto de la buena gente de Windsor) ten'ian por costumbre recordar a Herne el Cazador Encornado con bailes de estilo en torno al 'arbol sagrado a la hora brujeril de medianoche?
En cuyo caso, es como lo que Margaret Murray propuso en El Culto de las brujas en la Europa Occidental
Oraci'on a Cernunnos
Dios de lo verde,
Se~nor del bosque,
Te ofrezco mi sacrificio.
Te pido tu bendici'on.
T'u eres el hombre en los 'arboles,
El hombre verde del bosque,
El que trae vida a la primavera naciente.
T'u eres el ciervo en celo,
El que porta cuernos poderosos,
El que vaga en el bosque oto~nal,
El cazador rodeando el roble,
Las cornamentas del ciervo salvaje,
Y el alma derram'ando sobre
La tierra cada estaci'on.
Dios de lo verde,
Se~nor del bosque,
Te ofrezco mi sacrificio.
Te pido tu bendici'on.
Por Patti Wigington y Zan Fraser
Traducido por Kaosmos (Zona del Caos)
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