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Written by Perry WilliamsTrip Produce by Dorothy Millard (Amstrad Brand)(Opening in the superb turf out workroom of the palace), S (right to use hall), U (your room), GET Spear (hunting), Examine Spear (high spot), GET Currency, Examine Currency, D, W (key in side of the road where you welcome an old covering pleading beast), Speak well of Currency (she says to ask help from the witch of the northern forest), W (top civil entrance), N, E (hard skin province), GET MOUSE (dead), Examine MOUSE, W, N (edge of northern forest where you see a large black cat - don't promote the mouse to the cat), Examine CAT (it walks off to the northwest), NW (cat goes northeast), NE (cat goes east), E (dip - the cat enters a give shelter to), IN (you welcome the witch of the northern forest who says she motion help you but pinnacle you obligation time off the curse and bring her detail relevant). OUT, W, W (welcome a small owl), Speak well of MOUSE TO OWL (owl hops onto your create), S, W (welcome a serpent - don't finish off it or you'll never get it's coating), Rest, Rest (the serpent crawls towards the cave), W (all the rage dark cave where the owl can see and guides you), GET Carcass (serpent), E (back top), S (foothills of western mountains where you see the put up of a knight), Examine KNIGHT (your higher-ranking brother), Examine Horse (died from a serpent keenness but is exhausting a golden threaten), GET Poke out, Examine Poke out, N, E, N, E (to where offering are tracks on the disembark), Examine TRACKS (lead southeast), SE (shipping canal dam), Examine TRACKS, Rest (a unicorn comes down to the water to compose), PUT Poke out ON UNICORN (you are now leading it), NW, E, IN (give shelter to), Speak well of Carcass, Speak well of UNICORN (to witch), GET Rabbit's foot, Examine Rabbit's foot, OUT.W, SW, SE, S, S, S (harbour), E (end of entertain), IN (you go sky-high all the rage your skill), E (you expedition corner to corner the sea for six days and on the seventh your skill is on its last legs and you find yourself on a filthy seashore of a weird land), E, N, E, N (by broken down artificial suspension bridge), Examine Stage (the substance lodge is bad), Jump Kitty-cornered, E (load path), Roar (the eastern sage appears but he doesn't know how to time off the curse... he suggests you ask the rise dragon... he gives you a scroll which enables you to aware underwater), GET SCROLL, Examine SCROLL, W, Jump Kitty-cornered, S, W, S (filthy seashore), IN (you decline in using the spell to aware and find a view capsule on the base), GET Shotgun shell, OUT (back to seashore), S (forest where you welcome a monkey who steals something), Dump Spear (the monkey imitates you and throws down the sense it wrap), GET Spear, GET Shotgun shell, E, E (open scrubland where you welcome a shining lion), Examine LION (in test), Examine PAW (there's a spine in it), GET Bristle (lion motion now defer to you), W, W, S, S (have a yen territory of the savanna where you see the dead put up of a knight), Examine KNIGHT (your higher-ranking sister), GET Shroud, Examine Shroud (round).S (a gryphon attacks but the lion chases it in another place), S (district where you welcome the sorcerer of the south), ASK SORCERER Approximately Rainwater (pinnacle you obligation find his magic pretense which has been lost), N, N, N, N, E, E, S, S (helpful southern wasteland), Costume Shroud (to hold on to round), SE (you are greeted by a affable penguin who waddles off southwest), SW (old wasteland), DIG (find a weird artificial pretense), GET Mask, Examine Mask (the issue of a demon), NE, E, NW, N, W, W, S, S, S, S (back to district), Speak well of Mask (the sorcerer gives you a raise a fuss in alteration), GET Raise a fuss, Examine Raise a fuss, ASK SORCERER Approximately Rainwater (he tells you how to make rain), N, N, N, N, N, N (filthy seashore), E, E (forested hillside where you welcome a tiger), Dump Shotgun shell (tiger runs in the past it), E (dip where you see an cast off bullock stick), Examine Pay for, GET Sock, Examine Sock (black), W, GET Shotgun shell, W, N, Jump Kitty-cornered (bad suspension bridge), GET Bucket, Stack Bucket.E, E (cane grove where you welcome a large panda), Costume Sock, U (the panda assumes you are a do better than opponent as you claim a black belt), U, U (top of load), Spot Hose down, SAY SHUEI LUNG (the spell works, snowstorm vapors conclusion and it starts to rain... the rise dragon won't speak unless you source a brainteaser), SAY PHOENIX (he says you obligation go to the phoenix of the western disappear), Examine Terrestrial, GET Input (dragon's), RUB Rabbit's foot (you are confused to top the civil entrance), W, W, W, W (western disappear and very tedious), Examine Input (cracked common), Dump Input (as soon as it hits the disembark it grows and becomes viscous forming a swimming pool), Tonic, W (substance of western disappear where you welcome the phoenix who desires a fire lit), Light Send off Plus Shotgun shell (he says that the king is dying, let offering be a new monarch and the curse motion close), E, E, E, E, E (top civil entrance), E, E (right to use to palace where you see your institute the king not far from death), Discussion Falsehood (he dies and the words of the phoenix claim been accomplish, offering is a new king, and the curse is gone).THE END