Wednesday 10 September 2014 Workshop 7

Workshop 7

Forum member Freepowder noted similarities between the Plains Indian Medicine Wheels and Fionn's Wheel from Celtics sources. His analysis and presentation on these topics led into a discussion of other cross cultural similarities. I added some info from a study of the indigenous peoples of the world as well as Celtic topics.

Tonight our man of many names, Freepowder, O'Ba'n,John White, Sir Freep, etc.
will give us his thoughts on the wheel and the directions as compared between the Plains Indians and the Celts. It looks to be good! I may have a few comments of my own. I also have some info on thses directions compiled by a noted anthropologist, Angeles Arriens, for the indiginous peoples of the world. I hope we can discuss the use and meanings of directions to all of us in our magical work.

"The Wheel of Elements or Seasons"

The world over, aboriginal religions have used the circle as a symbol of the world, the cosmos and the spirit. Tonite I will attempt to draw some parallels between the Celtic version, Fionn's wheel or window and the Plains Indian version, the Medicine wheel. Both of these wheels are pictured as a circle bisected by two lines, one vertical and one horizontal. In Plains Indian (PI from here on) the circle represents the cycles of the earth, of learning and of life.

The lines represent the 'roads' one must travel to achieve enlightenment. The points at which the lines intersect the circle signify the four directions, east to the right, south at the bottom, west to the left, and north at the top. There are qualities and totems (animal spirit guides) assigned to each direction. The totems and qualities vary somewhat, tribe to tribe, and the following is an attempt to combine several, mostly Lakota (Sioux) and Tsisistis (Cheyenne).


red, illunination, child, the sun, spring, the source of life, eagle, hawk and birds generally


yellow, innocence, youth, daylight, summer, fullness of life, snake, lizard, mouse, horse, elk


black or blue, introspection, maturity, sunset, autumn, waning of life, thunder beings, Bear, buffalo


white, wisdom, old age, night, winter, death, wolf, raven, buffalo

The PI speak of the guardians of the quarters as 'Grandfathers' or
'Grandmothers'. Animals in mundane life are refered to as 'Little Brother or Sister.' At the center of the wheel is,in Lakota, 'Wakan Tanka', the Great Mystery.
The source of all life, of all that is.

Although Wakan Tanka is referred to as Grandfather, it has no sex, no body, it is at once the creator and all of creation. Also at the center is White Buffalo woman (or Sweet Medicine to the Cheyenne), the personification of the earth, and the female aspect of Wakan Tanka.

The cycle of life as illustrated by the Medicine Wheel starts at the east. The PI believe that as an infant a person knows all things, thus the connection with enlightenment. As you grow into youth these things are forgotten so you may learn, and grow, symbolized by the south and innocence. When you are mature you move to the west and introspection.

Here you take your vision quest. As you approach old age you achieve wisdom in the north and, if you survive you return to the enlightenment of the east.

On to the Celts!

The Celts use either a four spoked wheel, identical to the medicine wheel in appearance or enhance the image with 'cross quarters' making an eight spoked wheel. One difference in the Celtic version of the Wheel, is probably due to the variation in weather patterns between the British Isles and the Great Plains. The British Isles are around 1000 miles north of the Plains causing several things to happen. The sun, even at midsummer will rise far further to the north in Britain.
Britain's proximity to the trade winds cause the prevailing winds to come from different directions. Therefore the Celts start their journey of life in the north. The qualities of the quarters are remarkably similar if somewhat skewed as to direction. (Note: the animals assigned to quarters and cross quarters are approximate and individual impressions as to what animal goes where are most important IMHO)

They are:


black, winter, wisdom, clarity, death, earth, animals, minerals, fallowness, darkness, winter solstice, salmon, wolf, the Morrigan,


red, spring, inspiration, life, birth, renewal, air, birds, smell, dryness, germination, spring equinox, otter, crow


white, summer, spirit, humanity, change, power, fire, sun, light, vegetables, summer solstice, bear, hawk,


grey, autumn, creativity, ripeness, fertility, compassion, love, emotions, hearing, water, moon, twilight, fish, autumn equinox, stag, hound

The cross quarters mark the seasonal festivals, have associated animals and are used to represent the ages of mankind:

Imbolc: 31 Jan, child, eagle
Beltaine: 30 Apr, youth, sow
Lughnasadh: 31 Jul, adult, horse
Samhain: 31 Oct, elder, heron

The Celts assign Gods and Goddesses to the quarters as well. The following courtesy of O'Dubh, and subject to interpretation. God/esses are directional as follows:


Master Morfessa of Falias, The Morrighan, Goibhniu, The Dagdha, Epona, Eriu, Macha (The Land, the Lia Fal, Magick, Soveriegnty)


Master Uscias of Findias Danu, Anu, Lir, Lugh, Bridget, Scathach, Ogma, Nuada (The Invincible Sword, Wisdom, Strength, the Winds)


Master Esras from Gorias The Dagdha, Lugh, Bridget, Danu (The Flaming Spear, Action, Fire, the Sun or Shining One)


Master Semias from Murias, Manannan mac Lir, The Dagdha, The Cailleach, Cerridwen, Danu, Dianecht, Arianrhod (Rebirth, the Undry, the Sacred Cauldron, the Sea, Water)

Many of these God/desses are assigned to more than one direction because they have more than one aspect (The Dagdha, Danu, Bridget, Lugh, the Morrighan). The best way to associate them with a particular direction is to base their direction upon their role in your Working or upon their use of the magickal tool involved.

The Celts have this multi-faceted diversity in the nature and directions of their God/desses due to their travels across Europe and their incorporation of the local Deities into the Deities of their respective clans. When they finally stopped their travels, these Deities were then more fixed in their associated directions and attributes. As modern day Celts, we have the use of all of these Archetypes to aid or worship and to enrich our Magicks!

(2-21,cherokee) the cherokee say that all ancient cultures descend through the plieades and that the druids and the cherokee have origins in atlantis the cherokee calendar as are most medicine wheels are based on the mayan system of time. The Dogon of W. Africa say the same. which is very similar to the celtic most ancient cultures say they got the wheel from the stars

Also some of the first sailors to come in contact with North American Indians were Welsh and they could converse with some of the tribes! Seemed the Indians were speaking Welsh!

(2-21,cherokee) the cherokee also claim twelve tribes came out of atlantis when it was destroyed and populated the areas of the earth bringing this ancient wisdom to other cultures like the 12 tribes of israel there are 12 clans in the cherokee matrilieage. There was contact betwweeen the nordic vikings and the indians after contact with the celts too.

(2-9,M&J) As to the NA Indians speaking Welsh, I attended a Celtic
League symposium a year or two back, and this was one of the talks. I'll have to go back and review my notes, but as I recall this is heavily debated. The accounts go back to a Welsh prince who supposedly sailed to America. Whether or not this is true is highly uncertain.

(2-8,Freepowder) The Welsh Prince was Madoc, and I believe... he was supposed to have sailed in the 11th century.... there were records of his sailing away.... but nothing on where he ended up....he most certainly never returned to wales.... One possible explanation for the 'Welsh' Indians is the occurrence of grey eyes in some of the southern tribes, notably... the Choctaw and Cherokee....
There are some similarities in the languages, but it is possible.. that this is due to some wandering Celt.... heading east from the orient.

Ok Thanks FP! There are many other similarities...notably the commonbelief among both sets of peoples, the Cherokees and the Celts, that springs were doorways to the Underworlds and possessed their own spirits. There are other similarities... The Irish have legends about the first settlers coming from the west after a flood.

This was later Christianized to be the daughter of Noah Ceasir....but it was first thought to be Atlantis. Also some of the alignments of the stone circles are on the Pleides. In fact, The two major hubs of the Celtic year are connected to when the Pleides first ascend into the constellation of Taurus That is when Bealtaine and Samhain actually occur.

As to use in your magickal workings, given the eclectic nature of most American Mages, introduction of the Plains Indian version of the attributes of the quarters is allowable. Perhaps even justified given our geographical location. I personally use the Indian colors and animals in conjunction with the Celtic God/esses. As they used to say in the Toyota commercials, 'It just feels right.'

Ok I have another set of values for directions. Then a brief discussion of future topics. I know everyone is suffering from too much Holiday!- !

Here's my blurb on directions: The "Four Fold Way" by Angeles Arrien a survey of sacred directions and paths of the indigenous peoples of the world gives the following characteristics to the directions:


The Way of the Warrior, Direction of Power, Element is Air, winged creatures, Standing Meditations, Right Actions, Dancing, instrument is the rattle and season is the Winter.


The Way of the Visionary, Direction of Vision, Element is Fire, dessert and no legged creatures, Walking meditations, Truth telling, Singing, instrument is the bell and season is Summer.


The Way of the Healer, Direction of Love, Element of Earth, All four legged creatures, Meditating while laying down, Right Speech is the way of living, Paying attention, Story telling, instrument is the drum and the season is Spring.


The Way of the Teacher, Direction of Wisdom, Element of Water, All Water creatures, Sitting meditations, Right Timing in life's actions, Being Open minded to outcomes, Silence is the best wisdom, instruments are sticks and bones and season is Autumn.