Sunday 21 September 2014 What Do We Mean By Tradition

What Do We Mean By Tradition
An enquirer writes:

"I have an inquiry on the meaning of Traditional society. What do you mean by Traditional society? Because when I hear the word Tradition, it is rooted to me in Patriarchal Tradition. When I hear the word Tradition. I see a Traditional Family: Father, Mother, and Child (or Children), and the father is the breadwinner, Mother is the Homemaker, and child learns from the Mother, but the father is still supreme. I do not think a faith that believes in the Feminine universe, a primordial feminine being means this when they talk about the word Tradition. So what is Tradition?"

This is an interesting question and in a general sense is probably best answered by this quotation from The Feminine Universe.

We may readily see that the Traditional mode of society is oriented to states above the human and earthly. Every aspect of the life of a Traditional Society is lived in the light of Heaven. Its art, as we have seen, strives to depict not the earthly shadows of things, but the celestial Archetypes that lie behind them. Its crafts are not mere means to the manufacture of physical commodities, but each craft is a spiritual path, each operation performed in accordance with a sacred symbolism. This is why the factory system and the 'industrial revolution' could not happen until the traditional form of society had disintegrated"

We would add that we hold no brief for patriarchal traditional societies. Really the point of the term "traditional" as it is used on this site is to refer to the way of thinking that is universal to humanity before the advent of the so-called "Enlightenment" with its materialist doctrines that govern modern thinking.
