Tuesday 2 September 2014 Study Fundamentalist Christians More Inclined Toward Domestic Violence

Study Fundamentalist Christians More Inclined Toward Domestic Violence
"You've got to beat the Devil from them some how! (said with sarcasm)"

"~ Dantalion Jones"

"A" recent study of Christian college students indicates that the more Fundamentalist their beliefs, the more likely they are to engage in or approve of domestic abuse and violence.

Texas Tech professors and Jerome Koch Ignacio Luis Ramirez conducted a study of 626 undergraduate students. The survey measured general religiosity (belief in God, strength of faith, etc.) using questions from the General Social Survey and "fundamentalism" based on a six-item scale previously used in research published in the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.

The researchers found that "general religiosity" was not associated with psychologically or physically abusive behavior, nor with approval of domestic violence. However, "fundamentalism" was positively correlated with both physically abusive behavior and approval of domestic violence. The more fundamentalist the belief system, the more likely the believer was to support or engage in physically abusive and violent domestic behavior.

The full study may be read online here.

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Reference: mysteryvoodoo.blogspot.com