Thursday 16 October 2014 Beginning A Daily Devotion

Beginning A Daily Devotion
Doing a daily devotion to your Gods can become a very important part of your spiritual practice. Taking a moment to pray, give thanks and ask for guidance is a wonderfully fulfilling way to strengthen or renew your bond with the divine. If you are trying to conceive, currently pregnant or preparing for birth, this daily practice is even more important.

It is okay to feel silly or lost when you first begin the practice. You may find yourself thinking ahead to daily errands or dinner preparations instead of focusing on your devotional. Don't worry about it! At first, the real task will be to just find and set aside the time every day. Examine your schedule. Do you have a bit of extra time in the mornings or evenings? Do you want to start or end your day with a conversation with your Gods? When will you be less likely to be disturbed? All questions that will help you determine when your devotional should occur.

After determining the "When" you can determine the "Where". If you have a permanent altar or shrine, that would be the most obvious place to sit for a few minutes. Your living area may not have the space for a permanent setup so consider a few objects easily put in a drawer that you can bring out during your devotionals. A small statue or figurine and some incense is more than enough to create a temporary, sacred space.

Finally, you must decide the "How". Don't feel that your routine must be static. Let it flow and evolve as your life circumstances change. There be times when you will just sit and be thankful, others where you will need guidance and still other times where you just open yourself to receive. At first you may wish to start your time with gratitude and incense. Thank the Gods for blessings you received the previous day and light a stick of incense as an offering. Next, ask for guidance, protection, or insight. If you are trying to conceive you may ask a/the Goddess for help while visualizing your future baby in your womb. If you are preparing for birth take time to ask for strength and protection and visualize your ideal birth experience. Consider ending your devotional by pulling a Tarot card. It is not necessary to have a question in mind, you may just ask the Gods for any message or wisdom they may have before pulling the card.

However you decide to proceed, beginning a daily devotional is key to preserving and strengthening your faith. Give time to your spiritual practice and you will be amply rewarded with inner peace and a outlook of gratitude throughout your day.


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