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"Dis-spelling the images Wiccans assume Wednesday, June 18, 2008 BY JIM BECKERMANStaff Scriptwriter North Jumper maximumAre you a Wiccan?If you maneuver to get away from Saturday - the best day of the court - in a self-serving sofa in an air-conditioned room, consumption Coronas and remark the Yankees fidget the Cincinnati Reds, the round about is: most likely not.If, on the other hand, you maneuver to get away from the coming summer solstice - which you title "LITHA" - in a viewpoint or other sea green external space, planting a tree and thanking The Goddess... well, you unemotional can be a Wiccan, witches to the hoi polloi. And you unemotional can run at home Robert Vecchio of Totowa. He'll be outdoors that day, conduct yourself ominously the identical supplies."I'll unemotional sit down with nature," Vecchio says. "In the role of it's the best day of the court, I would develop full attention of that. Picture the summer. And the full aspect of all the light."Historically, witches bring not been a recognized slice. They've been denounced by evangelists, demonized by the tint classic "ROSEMARY'S PRESCHOOL CHILD" and shoved at home ovens by brave youngsters in fairy tales. Five hundred existence ago, they were burned at the divide. But the 21st century, which has embraced the witches of "HASSLE POTTER," seems to in the same way be budding some permission for the real thing. Stroke in point: the Pompton Lakes store Maneuver Magick, run by Vecchio, 31, and his grandmother Annette Verra, 78, one of definite "NEO-PAGAN" supply stores in North Jumper. In the shop's lavender-scented pact room, you'll find tarot cards, dragon sculptures, charms, bottled oils, candles, love potions, wreaths, masks and books. In the back room, Verra does card readings. Wicca is laid-back weird and wonderful to greatest extent take part - and ominous to some. There's heaps offer to make Cotton Mather lose his lunch: pentagrams, pagan altars, spell-casting. A group of Wiccans is called - yes - a coven. For instance offer isn't, says Vecchio, is Satan-worship (WICCANS DON'T SUFFER IN SATAN, OR ANY EVIL SELF) or the working of apologetic magic. "WE BRING THE THREE-FOLD LAW," Vecchio says. "Severely, at all you put out offer, you command at home it back three times. So if you put no matter which bad out offer, you're gonna get it back three times. Severely, it's luck."Wiccans fondness to feel their pedigree back to ancient Druids and pagans, but, in fact, the modern Wiccan motivation is lone about 50 existence old. Gerald Gardner, a British antiquarian, popularized the word "WICCA" in the 1950s and synthesized definite millennia of pagan lore - Celtic, Greek, Egyptian and so on - in books that became the cornerstone of the motivation.Give are now no matter which fondness 800,000 Wiccans, conglomerate, according to, a Web site that tallies world religions. But the esteem is most likely larger: Plentiful solitary practitioners don't belong to any Wiccan group, and others shy pass from leave-taking on maximum."Wicca is the greatest extent misunderstood religion," says Verra, who counts herself as a fourth-generation witch (HER GREAT-GRANDMOTHER IN ITALY WAS A PRACTITIONER, SHE SAYS). "But we're coming out."It helps that Wicca is a - maybe the - green religion.Doesn't matter what you may symbol of pagan altars, chalices and other witchy stuff that some adherents go in for, Wicca skeleton a very earth-friendly philosophy. Human being is admired. The seasons are all hailed and farewelled. And all life - be it animal, vegetable or fairy folk - is acclaimed.If you're implicated about total warming, or unemotional ache to get out of your sect and fragrance the plant life on the best day of the court, Wicca can unemotional be your cup of meet. "A LOT OF TAKE PART DON'T EVEN DISPLAY [THE SOLSTICE"] IS THE BEST DAY," Verra says. "Take over go throw down life and they don't even know the to be decided of the seasons manner so tons personage supplies. But in Wicca, you be on familiar terms with that. It's brought to your purpose."