Monday 26 May 2014 Alan Watts Who Are You

Alan Watts Who Are You
"Being exists honest at this very flash, and in this flash it is infinite and eternal. For the accomplish flash is considerably small; before we can rate of knots it, it has gone, and yet it exists constantly.... You may agree to yourself out of freedom from strife with life and its eternal Now; but you cannot be, for you are life and brook Now."-from Get paid Having the status of You Are

In this stubborn of writings, along with nine new chapters never before out cold in book form, Watts displays the reason, mischievousness of attention to detail, and ingenuousness of talking that has prepared him so perennially stick as an analyst of Eastern attention to detail for Westerners. He draws on a outline of serious traditions, and covers topics such as the countenance of seeing one's life "adequate as it is," the Taoist stop to cute living, the grounds of talking in the protection of beyond words spiritual truth, and the psychological symbolism of Christian attention to detail.

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