Thursday 22 May 2014 Planet Vibes Holly Full Moon July 12 2014

Planet Vibes Holly Full Moon July 12 2014
Planet VibesHOLLY Full MoonJuly 12, 11:25 am GMTA Holly FULL MOON and a Divine coincidence.

These are only few words trying to describe the astral mess we will deal with the upcoming Full Moon. Moon on Capricorn, right opposite to her favourite sign, shedding some light to the ever-bright Sun shining through Cancer, the sign of ancestral institutions like family. Mercury on the last degree of Gemini, staying there only to inform us of this great Astrological Event making all humanity perceive its greatness.

This Full Moon seems to affect deeply the Cardinal Signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Sun conjuncts with Jupiter leaving Cancer after months blessing one of his favorite signs a bit more, while Pluto conjuncts with Moon reviving the anger and frustration of the masses. We should definitely expect reviving of great protests.

The dance of power seem to join Mars from the formerly peaceful sign of Libra and Uranus the planet of change and global awareness from Aries. It seems really inevitable for something very interesting to happen. And it will definitely have global effect.

Astrology and Magic During this Full Moon every kind of POWER AWAKENING SPELLS are very favoured because of this great power which comes from the Great Cross of the Cardinal Signs.

ARIES: An earthquake in your home, in your family, in your job environment. You are deeply affected by this Full Moon with a touch of extreme feelings and thoughts. Try not to be driven only by what your fiery heart. Please ground yourself, relax and clear your mind. The Rest of the Month is going to be better!

TAURUS: Escaping routine is the main quest right now and you focus too much in this certainly rational need of yours. Energy is focused on travels and journeys and I just feel the need to propose you to organise everything you can and just leave everything else to the Higher Powers, trusting them that everything is going to be OK!

GEMINI: Storm is over. Or at least most of it! A major change in your financial status seems take place this month and the beginning might be during the effect of this Full Moon. You need this change so take your change and go for it!

CANCER: I'm afraid that your thoughtful and carrying nature will be altered with anger and rage especially towards the one you care the most, the ones you cooperate and the most important people of your life. The positive fact is that all these will create a better place for you so do what you have to do but stay faithful to the Law of Love.

LEO: You already feel it. In your dreams, in your thoughts... you feel it deeply in your heart... change is coming! After 12 years of waiting - finally - Jupiter crosses your sign and this Full Moon is the harbinger of Change. Stand up, flex your muscles and rub your hands. It's time.

VIRGO: Jupiter entering Leo is both a good and a bad thing. For starters the next twelve months will be full of deep feelings you never thought you might have had or you might thought you've forgotten them. It's time to wake up your great magical powers and shed some light to the alchemist in you!

LIBRA: This Full Moon shines light in the relationships you currently have and your social status. This time your friends seem to play a very important role and you are really looking towards them for their affection and Love. You can somehow use this Love to wake up the truly loving and sweet soul you hide, especially after the tough touch of Mars the last months.

SCORPIO: You heart and feelings seem to boil under the pressure of new responsibilities. Saturn seems to refuse to let you feel the freedom you so desperately need to feel. On the other hand Saturn promotes your life in a way you can only perceive after his heavy touch will cease to affect you. Till then meditate and take full advantage of his gifts.

SAGITTARIUS: Your pocket seems to hide a black hole in it cause you troubles in your life and your dreams. You need time to relax and feel financially secure but right now it not the perfect time for that. This Full Moon will shine on your needs, on your expenses and what needs to be done so that you will feel closer to your goal.

CAPRICORN: The Cosmic energy is focused right above your heads, right above your shoulders, right above your lives. You are the protagonists of this Divine Coincidence and you should try to find a way to direct this huge amount of energy towards creative channels. You will succeed if you are grounded and focused on your goal!

AQUARIUS: Friendships blur and your head turns towards people who may disappoint you during the effect of this Full Moon. The Lunar light shines upon your relationships and how you handle them and your social status. Both are extremely important for your well-being and I want you to be extra careful how you react.

PISCES: You thought you knew and you might have imagined how you wished things could be. Right now and during the effect of this Full Moon you learn how people really are and you finally are shaken by reality. This information should be used wisely and you have to stand up and leave if you have to, or fight if it's worth fighting for. Make up your mind!

Have a Blessed Holly Full Moon!

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