Wednesday 7 May 2014 The Yoga Of Life

The Yoga Of Life
Life can be very stressful these days; with the global economy in meltdown and the cost of living rising, it's not surprising that people are working harder than ever just to survive; perhaps juggling more than one job and raising a family at the same time. If you are one of those people, then it is very important that you start to bring some balance back into your life. You need to make time for you because if you don't then you are likely to become overwhelmed and stressed, which can lead to disease.

There are many ways to bring balance back into your life; one of these is yoga. A lot of people are put off by yoga because they believe it is linked to Hinduism or Buddhism and therefore conflicts with their own religion. This isn't the case at all; a lot of Hindus and Buddhists practice yoga, but it isn't linked to any religion. They do it to bring peace and balance into their lives. They understand the positive benefits it can bring. Other people think that it is something only mystical people or psychics can do. I do yoga and I don't have any mystical or psychic powers! Anybody can do yoga; it is just a form of meditation and gentle exercise - it's nothing to be scared of

As I just said, yoga is a form of meditation and, by practising it regularly, you can bring lots of benefits into your life, from decreased stress, to more flexibility in your muscles and joints. I believe that the biggest benefit is the sense of peace and tranquillity it can bring. I do yoga once or twice a week and I always feel so much better after doing it. I feel refreshed and my muscles feel looser, which makes me feel energized and ready to face the day!

If I'm feeling particularly stressed or my muscles are aching, I make a point of doing a yoga session. When you are doing yoga you can literally feel the stresses and strains of everyday life start to fade away. When you meditate you clear your mind of any worries or thoughts about your 'to do list' so that you can relax and de-stress. This is the same when you are doing yoga - as you concentrate on each pose and take deep, relaxing breaths, you gradually enter a meditative state that can be very uplifting. I look forward to my yoga sessions as I'm taking time for myself, to relax and refresh my mind and body.

Take a good look at your life right now. Are you happy with your work-life balance? Do you spend enough time with your family? Are you working too much with no time for yourself? If you feel as though you are rushing from one thing to another and not taking time to slow down and relax, then you really need to do something about it before you burn yourself out. You are no good to your family if you're ill. It is easy to get into harmful routines and, before you know it, you start to feel overwhelmed, like you just can't cope. Why not give yoga a try? It's growing in popularity and there should be a class near you or, failing that, there are lots of yoga DVDs and books you could try. I use my Wii games console to do yoga and I find this suits me as I can do it whenever I want. So, don't worry about fitting yoga into your day. I feel much better mentally and physically after just 15 minutes.
