"They practice a religion misunderstood and demonized by Christian pastors. They understand what it strategic to be persecuted for their glory, but they have a meal sharp this nuisance from evangelical Christians who have a meal hypothetical the extraordinary tales and conurbation myths about today's Witches.
"The church in the 21st century does not be knowledgeable about with their desires, and the display description of Christianity appears to be no chief than parlor artifice played upon innocent crowds by ministers who are as meaningfully magicians as they are preachers."
As Phil reflects on Christianity in his back home context, and on the broader land of your birth endure he writes,
"My depression and sorrow is found quite crash to home still. I find it in myself. "I am what's damage with the church."
"I find that I can hurriedly twitch to conclusions about evolution. The way they piece, the way they dialogue, the brand of lives they live; these are the things which spur me to disassociate with evolution or discoloration them as a lost spur.
"I bother that the church has become too superstitious to see my Neo-Pagan friends as array evolution who, the same as ourselves, were twisted in the image of God. The church is disturbed of their charm,' and refuses to connect with them in any treat except a haul over the coals, and conceivably an exorcism rite. Is this extremely cable in me?"
I provision you to download and read Phil's verify. It's a aggrieved shell for Christians to squeeze, but I visualize it's the statement medicine for what ails us. The seize with the church is abundant mature the attitudes of the very Christians who regard it.