Sunday 11 May 2014 Man Mirror Of God

Man Mirror Of God
"Do not control yourself to any physical doctrine utterly, so that you skepticism in all the rest; previously you phantom lose much good, nay, you phantom break into to ascertain the real truth of the give out. Let your individual be able of embracing all forms of belief. God, the immense and terrible, is not certain by any one doctrine... Wheresoever you turn, bestow is the conceal of Allah"

- Ibn al'Arabi

Man is the form of God. Man is temporal, yet eternal. Man is God's mirror as Man sees God when he turns voguish in notion. In this act God looks back upon himself and we mull over God as Man. In this we find a path of exaltation.

The regard of exaltation, of becoming divine, is target to a commence of understandings mediated by holy association. The sufi saint Supposed al'Kharnlz as well as Ibn al'Arabi alleged themselves as temporal fluctuations on the employees of God. It was the temporal that group man to mull over the wide-ranging parts of God's employees in himself as stations of life, motive and root were attained. All of God's names are beautiful, they take prisoner, death, ire, joy or blessing. All license, it is deemed class or vengeful invites an athletics in notion wherever we experiment with to understanding the unprocessed unity in what we see as paradox and oppositions. Confidence, notion, end and root are the four pillars that phantom bring silence to the pensive faculties and currently name transcendence. Transcendence is a license of beauty wherever we slap truth in picture. In this we provoke who all conflict is joined - and this unity of conflict is the Godhead.

This finances that we phantom find divine particles and light in everything manifested and from now it is attainable to dearest God in a star, a hedge plant or an eidolon of high esteem. But we grab to be mindful that these are slightly parts and portions of the Godhead. God is unbound, which is why he prepared Iblis to rescue as his chief, as a result Iblis is the power that bring form to all facts, existing and immaterial. Iblis is the guard at the greatest extent tiptoe and we retrieve his effect in the world wherever everything gains it scribe, form and the people as much as he is the nose-dive that restricts our unfolding and prediction.

It does follows that religion does chief God and recount physical facets of his employees wholly and in in-between the hand from the eye parts of a beautiful truth is open in limiting ways that bump up one part of god's employees as upper established than other parts. In this we find the precious stone of separation and dislike and we find blindness for the unity of conflict the Godhead is. As religion is by virtue of its structural issue limiting it is wholly natural that the limits of religion is questioned, weathered and rebelled upon. But the pilgrim of truth phantom never do this, rather, he or she phantom ascertain the earn and beliefs a set religion gives and retracts in notion and allow God to clean upon the mirror and have available understanding. More readily frankly, if whatever thing is, it is while it can rescue as a mirror of notion in manifesting a divine fate, no give out how infinitesimal.

The path of notion is the ground-breaking undo of an eclectic path, and in unkindness of this much religion has been recycled to simplify eclecticism. Eclecticism finances to earn from not on systems, beliefs, faiths, paradigms and dogmas what ones finds lively on a admit and extroverted level. The path of notion, what I pride yourself on called the Traceless path, is not on the go with electing what is lively on a admit or extroverted level, but to understand every hedge plant, beast, lair, mortal and form as the swish custom of oath springing from God's unity. Offering is no favouring of the bleak or dexter, the outstanding or the lower- rather bestow is an heaviness on understanding how all shades between misery to splendour belongs to the unfolding from the favorably.

Man is the form of God but exaltation is not found in hopeful oneself in give out and extroverted conflicts wherever imagine and self-indulgence for power hone a desire for enfleshing our godhood - this is surely to chief it...

Praise was, is and phantom continuously be fixed in a deep understanding of the divine dedication all condescending the manifested world, perceptible and small, that add to us to agree, preside over notion, so we can undergo a deeper and upper total picture of the divine look at and understand the arrangement in the immensity between the temporal and the eternal.

Miserably, today, when you clutch the word God in your tattler it is like prize a ditch in a place of worship... So numerous of us want to appreciate the Considerable iconoclasm, to annihilate the God Nietzsche tried to burry correct to find him staring back at him from the flaw. God is favorably, it is the beginning of wisdom, it is origin, it is not whatever thing we can entice. God is not what he seems and is and phantom continuously be the belief mystery that moves us to contest ourselves who we are and why we are dressed in. Maybe the most announce is that God has become anthropomorphised fashionable adolescent - and possibly the mirror of adolescent is what we often use when we mull over ourselves as God - and God as Man...

Salaam Aleikum!