Saturday 17 May 2014 Spell Casting And Discipline

Spell Casting And Discipline
"To master the discipline of any art, you have to master the art of discipline. Any endeavor is a process with full of steps and a climb - with steps that needed to be done at the right time by the right people. When we call for help or seek to do anything - we should be ready and prepared to follow the instructions and participate to get the desired outcome. Spell casting is an art that involves energy, people and tools. In this process - people discipline plays a bigger role as it makes the going smooth and give all involved to have patience to do right things at the right time." "You as a recipient should be disciplined to follow the instructions your spiritual witch gives you- you need to trust them, follow them and contribute to them. Spiritual witch every day follows a disciplined process of preparing and casting the right spell for you. Your trust and witche's dedication will work magics - bringing the right energy to play together for desired outcome." "Discipline also involves self discipline - it is nothing but relaxation. We are human beings, who goes through lot of emotions and when this things happen - it is ok to feel sad BUT REMEMBER TO LET IT GO.Self-discipline is the art of choosing what to be attached to and what to be detached from. So all nice people out there who are seeking help from spell, please let go of negative energy and thoughts and attract the goodness the universe and spell has to offer." The post Spell Casting And Discipline appeared first on California Witch.
